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Posted (edited)



Have finally come to my senses and decided to buy a patrol. Budget is 20K.


I have been doing alot of reading about the 3.0 issues in the early days and why the 4.2 is a much better choice but have decided for my needs an 05/06 3.0dt model manual ST will be perfect. Minimal towing & will be used around sydney as well as long trips etc etc.


Had a look at one today, 05 with 180 000 on the clock. One Lady owner. Service history. Brand new tyres. Advertised with 13 months rego. The Lady did not know how to put it in 4wd and said she had never taken 4wding. Looked underneath and as far as i could see it has done little to know 4wding, verifying what she had said. I put it in 4wd and was fine. The only problem i could find in the service history was a new intercoller at around 70 000 which i have read can happen, but apart from that no other issues. Advertised price is $23500


Here is my Kanundrem ( hope that is spelt right ). Want to get a check done on it by a vehicle inspector so i called her just now to see what time would suit her. She proceeded to tell me that her son had put it on at the price without rego and that the price was actually $24200. She did say i could still have at $23500 with rego but she wouldn't take any less than that and anyone else $24200. I don't want to book inspection if she 100% will not budge on the price. The max i was going to offer was $20000 considering red book value $21500.


Do you guys think i am being unreasonable in my thinking or do you think the car is worth more than what i am prepared to offer her. I can go up a little but $23500 seems to me like a little too much. I really hate buying and selling cars.


Any advise appreciated.


Hopefully see you on the tracks soon in my patrol.


Cheers guys!

Edited by dawg runner
Posted (edited)

I'll give you my tip, walk away now that thing has done too many kays and being in the bog stock I'd be reluctant.

You need one with low kays. Here is the thing why would anyone buy Patrol and not ever go offroad with it. They don't buy it to do shopping centre runs for sure.

Possibly because they need to tow a horse float or other trailer. Again big red flag for 3.0 L ZD30 towing in stock form with those kays is a grenade with safety pin already removed.


Here is a thing about Patrols. If you are mechanically illiterate expect to be financially raped every time you visit a workshop.

Patrols of that vintage have far too many niggling problems which need to be attended ASAP.

So if you aren't handy with spanners than I hope you've got a big fat valet because you'll need it.


I bought 05 Patrol with 65,000 kays on the clock for 35 G 3 years ago. Since than I'm constantly modding the bloody thing in the hope that it will last.

Not exactly how I imagined my 4WDing.


Owning a 4WD can be a miserable experience when you haven't got enough cash to keep it going.


Ask yourself:


Am I going to fit


Catch can, boost gauge, EGT gauge, block EGR, fit Dawes and needle valves, glow plug timers, A/C filters, bigger exhaust, deal with pimply dash, vibrating front end, sagging springs, broken/cracking rear springs mounts, woeful load capacity, expensive maintenance, leaking intercoolers, worn out belt tensioners, oil switches replacement, terrible brakes, steering pulling to the left constantly......

Where do I stop?



Edited by Rumcajs

Thanks for your input. Am definitely not mechanically illiterate so servicing does not bother me. Would defintely do the NADS mods as i have done quite a fair bit of reading on this and people seem to get quite positive results. I thought it was low KMs for this year model. 8 years old. Average KMs per year is generally 25 000 which would mean this has done a little less than average kms.


All this a side i think you are right in that i should walk away becasue i think she is asking 2 much. I have not completely ruled out the 4.2 TD but i would need to get one at the right price. There is a 2003 one for sale ATM with 175000 on clock with a Roof racks, bullbar, dual batteries, Cargo barrier with13 months reg and advertised @ 22000. I am going to check it out today.


Don't want to start any wars but for all the faults of the 4.2, they have to be less of a concern than the 3Ls at least of that vintage. 
I couldn't own a vehicle I was constantly worried about letting go. I ran my last 4.2 for 3 years on Rubbish Literally and the only thing I ended up changing was swapping the fuel filter to a CAV.  The new Turbo 4.2 has plenty of power for my liking and i'm not sure of any other advantages the 3L has over them. 


I also hate Buying and selling cars. 
​You see people advertising things for Ridiculous money and then if you offer them a realistic price they get all shitty and act like you are some sort of crook trying to rip them off. Who cares if you put a new clutch in the thing 4 years ago or it was just serviced or it has a bunch of accessories or Modifications YOU wanted? Why do you expect the next buyer to refund the price of the crap you piled on the thing I have no interest in what so ever?
That seems to be the case more than finding stock used vehicles, especially 4wd's. 

What I really wonder about is how many people those that want unrealistic prices blow off and how long it takes before they get it in their thick heads what the thing is really worth? Most of them must come to reality at some point!
I wonder how they consul themselves that all those other people were right afterall and the price they were asking was stupid?? I see it with all manner of things not just vehicles. 


I think the concerns about  a 4WD that's never been off road could be a little biased by those with a big interest in it.   :) 
Around here I'll guarantee 80% of the 4wd's have never seen a dirt driveway let alone a dirt track and a lot don't have let alone use a towbar. 
Certain ethnic groups round here love land cruisers despite a demonstrated ability to actually be able to maneuver the things in any car park and I know they don't have them for 4WDing or towing anything. It's just to pack the 8 kids in.  After that they buy a tarago. 

My own new chariot will not ever see any real 4Wding either. It'll be lucky to get a run up a dirt road or along a few mile of beach if we go away somewhere. I have sold my big trailer due to a shift in the business so the 3-4 times a year a box trailer gets behind the thing won't mean much. 
I like the space inside the things, I love the visibility  the reliability and ability of the 4.2 to run on rubbish for fuel and significantly, the fact I can work on the thing and have half a chance of getting it home if it should stop for some reason. 


I know a lot of the 4wd enthusiasts don't like people having them if the owners are not going to take them off road but the thing is these vehicles offer a lot regular sedans and wagons don't and that is why they are so popular. 

I think there will be a lot of " hardcore" 4WD's as well as the " softroaders" that will be around that have never been off road or towed a boat because  they do make good family cars as well.


I have a strategy I find works well for buying and selling. It's inoffensive and seems effective. 

When I'm buying something, unless I am prepared to pay the asking price, I simply tell the seller I wouldn't be prepared to pay what they are asking but I'll leave them my card and if they don't have any luck selling the thing and are prepared to negotiate, give me a call and if i'm still in the market we'll see if we can come to an arrangement. 

99% of the time the seller will ask what I'm prepared to offer which automatically puts you in control and a better position. 
Even if they reject the offer, it will play on their mind and I have frequently had them ring soon after with a counter off or a "OK, bring cash" 

 When selling, people will always try to beat you down. The longer they hang around telling you what's wrong with something, the more interested you know they are. 

I recently had someone come to look at a vehicle I had for sale and of course they started with the stupid low ball offers and complaints as soon as they asked what I wanted for the thing. I said no worries, I have had a few calls so if you want to leave me your name and number and I don't do any good, I'll give you a ring and if you are still interested we can see what agreement we can come to. 

Again I was told what was wrong with the thing ( same as I stated in the ad) and again I asked them to leave their name and number if they wanted and if I didn't sell it at the price I was asking, I'd get back to them. Then the offer went up and I countered again with the leave your number thing and at this stage started walking away. They followed so I knew I had them. 

After a few more too'ing and fro'ing,and still getting the same answer, leave your number,  they agreed to the price I wanted which I knew was a good one anyway. I wanted the thing gone but I wasn't going to give it away or be played for an idiot. 
The thing is to seem unconcerned and relaxed. I don't get into price arguments at all when selling.  I set the price realistically and stick to it. As long as you are asking a fair price, someone will buy what you have. 

The only way you can win the game is be prepared to loose it.

 If you are prepared to walk away from the sale either way, you stand a much better chance of winning. 


Posted (edited)

Turns out the 4.2 with 175 on clock was not a 4.2 but a 3.0. I thought it was a little low priced for a 4.2 2003 model.


I just want to get the newest model patrol possible with the cash i have and if it has to be a late model 3.0 then so be it. I have to sell my 2001 VX SS as well which is advertised at the moment. If i can get a reasonable price for that it will push my budget up to $25000 or so. Not that i would pay that for an 05 but at least as soon as i get it i could do NADS straight away. Or maybe even save a little more and look at a CRD

Edited by dawg runner
  On 3/21/2013 at 10:29 PM, Rumcajs said:
I'll give you my tip, walk away now that thing has done too many kays and being in the bog stock I'd be reluctant. You need one with low kays. Here is the thing why would anyone buy Patrol and not ever go offroad with it. They don't buy it to do shopping centre runs for sure. Possibly because they need to tow a horse float or other trailer. Again big red flag for 3.0 L ZD30 towing in stock form with those kays is a grenade with safety pin already removed. Here is a thing about Patrols. If you are mechanically illiterate expect to be financially raped every time you visit a workshop. Patrols of that vintage have far too many niggling problems which need to be attended ASAP. So if you aren't handy with spanners than I hope you've got a big fat valet because you'll need it. I bought 05 Patrol with 65,000 kays on the clock for 35 G 3 years ago. Since than I'm constantly modding the bloody thing in the hope that it will last. Not exactly how I imagined my 4WDing. Owning a 4WD can be a miserable experience when you haven't got enough cash to keep it going. Ask yourself: Am I going to fit Catch can, boost gauge, EGT gauge, block EGR, fit Dawes and needle valves, glow plug timers, A/C filters, bigger exhaust, deal with pimply dash, vibrating front end, sagging springs, broken/cracking rear springs mounts, woeful load capacity, expensive maintenance, leaking intercoolers, worn out belt tensioners, oil switches replacement, terrible brakes, steering pulling to the left constantly...... Where do I stop? Cheers
Or on a more positive note, there is also a good chance of having a trouble free 4x4 experience like myself coming up for seven years of ownership on a 04 zd30 ,I have replaced a belt tensioner and that is about it. Sure I've fitted nads ( wasn't that expensive)but mainly because I freaked out when I heard all the horror stories about the zd30 which I didn't know before, not that the car was running bad before this it was running fine as it still is to this day. I also know 4 other owners of zd30 s one of them being my old boy and they have had the same trouble free experience. I do use mine as a 4x4 been to the cape ( going again next year) manor park, cruiser park, glass house etc, even flooded the motor at manor park due to a not so sealed snorkel ( thanks TJM ). While at the same time I've had two late model hilux's ( work cars) both around the 130,000 km mark where the motor has failed ,plus more cvs fail than I can remember , and they don't even go 4x4ing. So I guess you take your chances as you do with any car I'm sure there are a lot more people with my experience than there are with a bad one. Sorry it's a bit off topic but thought it would be good to share a good story for the poor old zd for a change. Cheers.

Thanks mate. I am starting to see that there are a lot of happy ZD30 owners out there. The funny thing is that the internet is absolutely littered with bad stories of the ZD30, but every one that i have had a chance to approach in person love them and can't fault them. It is always the people who have never owned one but they have a mate of a mate that has had problems. Kind of makes u think a bit.


I am still trying to work this lady down. But if i have to let it go i will. There will be others.

Posted (edited)

I hope I didn't scare you that much, but its better to know what is one getting oneself in to.

I too found out about ZD30 grenade issues after I bought the bloody thing. TBH I haven't had any dramas with mine so far (touch wood) and about the only complaint I have is how gutless the engine feels especially when asked to perform and its actually warm to hot ambient temp.


I've done the NADS, modded exhaust, bigger inter-cooler, bigger bonnet scoop, but so far I haven't seen the results I've been after. I've drawn the line at the performance chip though no way I'm forking out such sums to than worry even more about the engine self destructing.


I ignore the pimply dash, lack of load carrying capacity and generally don't complain about off road capability except when in the sand dunes as sometimes the lack power from the engine is simply defeating my efforts to plough through.


I'll have ZD30 powered Nissan over any Toyo anytime and I'm not what you could call a brand zealot for sure.  Everytime I look at Toyo I see shortcuts, cheap engineering and terrible design at overinflated prices.


If the "never been in 4x4 mode call" is genuine than work the lady and see what will happen but you are right "there are plenty of fish in the pond".



Edited by Rumcajs
  • 1 month later...

Been a while. I got one. 2003 first reg 2004 ZD30 patrol. 165000 on clock with all the fruit.F & R Lockers, turbo timer, snorkel, rear work lights, lift with snake forged arms and tough dog springs and shocks, heavy duty TJM winch bar with winch and 4 x HID spotties, 33 muddies, millweld rock sliders, dual batteries with 2 new batteries. Serviced every 10000 up to 110000 by nissan and then new owner serviced every 5000 and has spent a bucket load on it maintenance wise. All wheel bearings just done, new clutch, brand new turbo,( old one develeoped a water leak. )


Paid 23K. a little over market value which is 18000 or so but for all the extras i got i am stoked. There is at least 15K worth of extras on it that i would have inevitibly put on it anyway.


One problem i have with air lockers. When i first got it a week ago i tested the compressor by turning the main switch on and it would run for a couple of seconds and then cut out which is normal. I then activated both of the air lockers with the same result for each locker. When i turned the lockers off there was no release of pressure " pfffft " which i thought was strange. I left it for a couple of days and looked at it again on the weekend and then there was nothing at all when turned the main switch for compressor and then nothing when each locker activated. The only thing that changed between the first and second time was i set the hubs from lock back to auto becasue the guy had left them on lock. My front diff and axles will be well oiled. I put the air hose in to the auxillary fitting and activated with the switch but still nothing.


I have lockers in my 4 runner and i have never had any issues like this with it.


Has anyone encountered problems like this before? I really don't want to have to take it to ARB. I will do some troubleshooting tonight. I will take the comp out and make sure it is getting power when i flick the switch and then maybe start with the pressure switch. Any troubleshotting tips appreciated.


On another note i will hopefully come out and meet some of you on the next 4wd day.


Cheers guys




I'm not familiar with ARB air lockers but there is a simple way to check if they (lockers) work, jack up the axle you wanna activate the locker than engage locker and check if both wheels are turning at the same way, even get the assistant to hold one wheel steady to see if you can turn the other side. However what you are describing is more of air supply issue. Start with compressor to see if it pumps anything out to diffs.



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