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This is another example of why I hate the Greens and the general green movement: http://inhabitat.com/up-stream-is-foot-powered-washing-machine-made-from-recycled-materials-that-costs-just-4/.

Up-Stream is a Foot-Powered Washing Machine Made From Recycled Materials that Costs Just $4!

Greens just love to come up with ideas to help third world countries, to stay third world countries, by developing manual tools for the poor, suffering, people, rather than pushing for electricity, motorised tools and equipment etc. The noble savage must retain their dignity.




Your latest post addresses some of the subject matter, but once again you lose touch by exaggerating things.

The third world does need reliable services, as well as modern equipment to provide what we take for granted. It won't happen overnight, but it's a fact that progress has been resisted by aid organisations for years. I'm not just talking about Africa, but other countries as well. India, for example, is now actively working to bring themselves out of that third world state, but many associated with the Greens (I use 'Greens' to represent any environmental or similar group opposing progress or what may affect their profits) condemn activities that may modernise the third world.

Here's an extract from a UK Channel 4 broadcast of 1997: http://www.ourcivilisation.com/aginatur/prog2.htm. There are many other examples about, but the basic Green's tenet is to keep the third world in its current state, progress is to be avoided at all costs.

However, it appears that you've revealed your colours.



Posted (edited)

However, it appears that you've revealed your colours.

Ray, until now I had a fun to tease you a bit, but it appears in fact it is obvious that you are a zealot I'd try to avoid at all cost.

I'm not going going to assist you with your intent on poisoning this forum with your useless irrelevant dribble and raving diatribes about causes for which you've wrapped yourself in the banner of Righteousness.

This is Nissan Patrol forum not your personal ranting blog about shyte you don't like or approve. Hence my best way to deal with trolls like you is to simply ignore your posting about irrelevant crap hopefully you'll grow sick off it. Don't you have some thing better do to like assist those down on their luck or something. Your energy would better spent that way and possibly you'd feel better and less grumpy. Join the Rotary or Lions club, go on use your wealth, knowledge, expertise on improving lives of those people the green movement or is it a labor movement or unions or gays or some religious movements which are so hell bent on ruining or something. Find a worthwhile cause as all that boredom you are currently experiencing is making you appearing as crazy on Internet. Like the thread you've started -->

Au revoir!

What am I thinking again, I'm just perpetuating the obvious that is giving an instant gratification to a compulsive behaviour of posting crap nobody is interested in. Geez this is really stupid.

I did read that last link and all I can say that while the certain beliefs I have were challenged most of the article/s is/were just utter propaganda and brain washing from the opposing side. What a nice try lumping Nazis and Green movement in the same corner for example.

Edited by Rumcajs

Ray, until now I had a fun to tease you a bit, but it appears in fact it is obvious that you are a zealot I'd try to avoid at all cost.

I'm not going going to assist you with your intent on poisoning this forum with your useless irrelevant dribble and raving diatribes about causes for which you've wrapped yourself in the banner of Righteousness.

This is Nissan Patrol forum not your personal ranting blog about shyte you don't like or approve. Hence my best way to deal with trolls like you is to simply ignore your posting about irrelevant crap hopefully you'll grow sick off it. Don't you have some thing better do to like assist those down on their luck or something. Your energy would better spent that way and possibly you'd feel better and less grumpy. Join the Rotary or Lions club, go on use your wealth, knowledge, expertise on improving lives of those people the green movement is so hell bent on ruining or something. Find a worthwhile cause as all that boredom you are currently experiencing is making you appearing as crazy on Internet. Like the thread you've started -->

Au revoir!

Tell you what. All that's required is for two other people to confirm that I'm nothing but a troll and that I should piss off from this forum, and I shall be gone forever. What do you offer?

I'll make a completely separate post shortly, so that no one on this forum misses this challenge. Let the voting shortly begin.




Tell you what. All that's required is for two other people to confirm that I'm nothing but a troll and that I should piss off from this forum, and I shall be gone forever. What do you offer?

I'll make a completely separate post shortly, so that no one on this forum misses this challenge. Let the voting shortly begin.



Why don't we just keep with the theme of this forum, >> Nissan Patrol and things related to 4WDing.<< I enjoyed/liked reading your posts about GPS unit/software or Diesel chip review, for example kudos for that. This shyte is not relevant and makes no sense.



Tell you what. All that's required is for two other people to confirm that I'm nothing but a troll and that I should piss off from this forum, and I shall be gone forever. What do you offer?

I'll make a completely separate post shortly, so that no one on this forum misses this challenge. Let the voting shortly begin.



I vote for the troll and for you to piss off.

Posted (edited)

This forum, like every other, has a General section where any topic, within the forum rules, can be discussed. It's not for you, me or anyone else (except for the admin/s) to decide what is appropriate or not. If one does not like a particular topic or has no real interest in it, ignore it; or if you can't ignore it, at least contribute in a meaningful sense and bring value to the discussion.

When I raise a post, it's because it genuinely means something to me and may mean something to many others. A forum like this, as well as the Patrol4X4 forum, brings together a wide range of people, viewpoints and even cultures. These are the types of forums where you can express views and get contrarian views which you can debate and agree on or not. It's the campfire experience that you have when you're not around the campfire.

The very reason that I raise some of these issues is because I want to hear what others think, discuss and raise awareness of issues that affect us all. We have a common ground, but we can still have opposing views. Sometimes, immediate 4WD issues and the like are the least of our long-term worries. And honestly, if all we ever want to think or talk about is the latest 4WD modification or accessory, then we're all brain dead.



Edited by Ray!

Your call.

I make no bones about the fact that I can be controversial, and I actually enjoy the fact that I'm not meek and mild or conform to anyone's norms. That has caused many a confrontation over the years in both work and play, as a number of my friends can attest, but I refuse to back down on what I believe in. However, I'm not locked in my ways; convince me that my views are wrong and I'll change my views and support you to the death. I've said exactly that to several of my past bosses, and my bosses bosses, with whom I've had violent disagreements. My attitude and views on life also creates confrontation on forums, but if I'm prepared to call my boss a cock, I'm hardly likely to worry about expressing my views on any forum.

You judge me not knowing what I've actually done and what I know, but by what you assume. You don't like what I say, but you don't debate the facts or issues that I present. I put time and effort into everything that I post, give yourself credit and do the same.





I'm afraid to say that I do agree in principle with Rumcajs. I'm not the 3rd vote to say piss off, I don't think that would benefit anyone however, I will vote your constant news snippets and comments are getting over the top and seem to be increasing in volume and frequency.

I'm more interested in your own ORIGINAL views and thoughts than having to follow a link to a news article to see what the hell you are talking about in the first place. I don't mind that it is not Patrol related but I do think that it's getting a bit too much and boring. it also APPEARS that you are trying to up the ante and cause more controversy than is needed or I personally want to hear.

I don't want you to piss off, I don't think you are a troll. I do think it's a bit lame to try and justify yourself now after the challenge you have put up.

Clearly you are no idiot so I would suggest that you can put better, more interesting and helpful things forward.

I think it would be best if you stayed here, but just layed off the 3-4 news snippets a day and what I do see as trying to push your POV a bit too hard.

You do appear to be getting a bit too uptight ( although I'm sure you will say you are not) but if that's how you come across and people are misconstruing you etc as been brought up of late, then the reality is the problem DOES lie with you in the way you are coming across.

I would suggest you would also do well to take critisisims on board and nnot try and justify yourself every time. People really are trying to point things ut and give you a hint rather than attack as you always seem to take it.

I am not shy or retiring either. I reek of controversy in everything I do and tend to relish confrontation rather than avoid it.

That said, I also try to learn from my mistakes and not repeat them when I have learnt they Piss other people off and are not to my advantage.

This problem is a Minor one and requires nothing more of a fix than you try to chill a bit and perhaps substitute some of the pre-packaged news topics with your own thoughts rather than someone else's and don't push your POV too hard.



I wasn't justifying myself, but more responding to the backtracking that happened after I put the challenge. This forum is dying in the arse for lack of input, if I post things that some feel are controversial, that may be partly to see if anyone is awake as well as seeing if anyone is thinking about more than the latest mud tyres review.

I might as well refrain from posting anything, as each item seems to piss someone off. I've run out of ideas, over to all of you.




Your technical posts (patrol, gps, tablet, steampunk, etc) are all awsome - This is the sort of information this forum needs, to keep people interested. I love reading it all. More of that I say.. That stuff along with Glorts water injection and other topics makes you two very valuable members - Very interesting reading.

The political stuff simply causes problems - Different points of view causes stress and points of conflict which we really dont need. I vote for more techical less everything else. It also sucks when I click on the 'View New Content' section and have to dig down for the latest techical info, skipping past many 'news' snippits.

I vote that you dont go anywhere. Keep up the good technical writing.


Your technical posts (patrol, gps, tablet, steampunk, etc) are all awsome - This is the sort of information this forum needs, to keep people interested. I love reading it all. More of that I say..

I vote that you dont go anywhere. Keep up the good technical writing.

What I should have said but didn't put into words as well.

Your stuff on GPS and tablets was very helpful to me because it explained it the way talking to someone would. It's hard to understand a lot of this stuff and know what it's about without talking to someone who already has a handle on it.

That's what I meant by your own thoughts and original material. It's good but no so much when it's arguing about an OS or politics or gubbermint policy ETC that people are never all going to have the same POV with.

I understand that you are not scared of controversy but it's not what everyone wants every time, even rough nuts like me.

Your own material is much better than the Journo's and what people want more of, not the rehashed news people can get elsewhere.

Don't get me wrong, that's OK on the bigger issues and headlines but 3-4 times a day on minor things is a bit much for me.

I also understand you are trying to keep things going and that there is only so much you can come up with of your own info but if you do run out, It might be better to say nothing rather than something for the sake of it.

You also have a valid point in that input from others would be good too.

Just don't go killing the topic before it starts like you did with your steampunk Thread by setting high standards that just put everyone else's efforts to utter shame! :D

Posted (edited)

I've been refraining from raising political issues aka Labor/Libs etc, but this topic wasn't so much political as an observation as to how distorted our aid programs can be. Next time Oxfam comes knocking on one's door looking for donations to save some poor African village, you can ask them if the donation is going to provide the basic things that we enjoy, or more buckets with strings attached.

But I also get bagged for raising threads about technology, trying to provide information that might be useful and which isn't directly 4WD related.

This will end up being like most 4WD clubs I've been in; a whole bunch of people who sit back and never say or do anything, a committee that dictates everything according to their views, and a few vocal people who contest those views and have a desire to bolster the club, but who eventually leave in disgust because the it's not what the committee wants to hear.



Edited by Ray!

I'm sure he will be back.

He forgave them on the dark side and I'm sure he will forgive those whom have trespassed against him here.

He has a lot to offer and a lot of knowledge of his own which is helpful and interesting.


This is another example of why I hate the Greens and the general green movement: http://inhabitat.com...t-costs-just-4/.

Greens just love to come up with ideas to help third world countries, to stay third world countries, by developing manual tools for the poor, suffering, people, rather than pushing for electricity, motorised tools and equipment etc. The noble savage must retain their dignity.



Oh FFS Ray! It would make MORE sense to ship in 10 000 Whirlpool front-loaders? And does this contribute in ANY meaningful way to the perception of The Greens in Oz?

I know you just write sh*t to create a stir (sometimes), but I think Rumcajs is pretty right with coming across as a loon on line.

Your threads on 4x4 offroad Nav and tech stuff really are great; thoughtful, well researched and full of info. Some of the IT tech suff goes too far (again) with your obvious bias against Apple and Linux products (I don't even know what that IS!?!) diluting good info.

I assume in relation to sending overly simple aid, you'd object to the birthing packs that the CWA have been sending to PNG for years and are now sending to East Timor (a ground sheet, a clean sheet, finger nail brush, soap, string for tying off umbilical cord and pad) keep the savages savage also? Bloody Greenie CWA!

And wasn't that 'Cobb Stove' that's now for sale designed to cook a meal with minimal combustible material efficiently for use in Africa?

I'd say that the birthing packs and other such ideas provide realistic help that's more realistic in terms of results than waiting for expensive infrastructure.


This will end up being like most 4WD clubs I've been in; a whole bunch of people who sit back and never say or do anything, a committee that dictates everything according to their views, and a few vocal people who contest those views and have a desire to bolster the club, but who eventually leave in disgust because the it's not what the committee wants to hear.



An alternative view would be that the 'few vocal people' need to ensure that they are articulating their views clearly enough and if the majority don't agree with their views, then they should accept that they are the minority in those specific issues and accept the majority's view and that that outcome is NOT a result of some 'mental weakness' of the majority.


Is there a guideline for what you can post in this section?

If you don't like what he's saying you can always not read it.

And what's the issue with an alternative opinion? If you put up something as provocative as Ray! does at times, you HAVE TO expect one; it openly asks for it!

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

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