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Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said he was deeply distressed to learn that a breeding pair of the endangered Tasmanian Wedge-tailed Eagles had been killed at the Roaring Forties Woolnorth Bluff Point wind farm.

"There should be no more wind turbines built in Tasmania's prime raptor region until the problem is fixed," Senator Brown said.

"Some 17 of these magnificent and endangered Tasmanian Wedge-tailed eagles have been knocked out since 2002 and Australia cannot afford to lose any more," Senator Brown said.

"The deaths should be investigated and solutions found and the public informed of the outcome of that investigation, including what is being done to reduce eagle deaths at Woolnorth," Senator Brown said.


Solutions? How about hydro, coal etc?




I am a wind farm supporter, but I do think in some places have gone ever the top with the sheer number of units on one spot..

I believe wind is good as its cheap and easy to produce. Hydro needs a big hill, constant flow of water, coal is a dirty fuel, gas is a waste..

The only other supply I'd back is nuclear.. Scientist recon in 5-10 years they recon they'll find a way to use 80% if not all of the iron rod. So no more radiative waste..


Wind power generation is actually very cost ineffective and only survives because of subsidies. Hydro is one of the most cost effective and sustainable energy sources available and with Tasmania's vast supplies of water, it seems kind of stupid that they aren't providing more power to the mainland. But then again, stupid is spelt G_R_E_E_N_S.




I thought it odd that this has never been followed up with the investigation results and solutions. Possibly because there are no more eagles left and too embarassed to say so?



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