Ray! Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 How on earth can this sort of thing keep going on? PARENTS who refuse to vaccinate their children are pocketing thousands of dollars in Federal Government immunisation incentives. Opponents to childhood vaccines say it is unfair to be denied Federal Government cash because of their beliefs, and are exploiting a loophole to claim more than $2000 a child after registering as "conscientious objectors". http://www.news.com....i-1226426118851 This insanity just has to stop. Cheers Ray
Chris Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 Agreed, That is just sad. I am a 'conscientious objector' to dole bluggers and are of the belief that all should work hard, therefore it is unfair that I can not get handouts from the government. The Big Rig and BigGQWesty 2
Tonka Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 Im sick of hearing people say, theres jobs out there, people just don't want to work. BULLSHIT. Ive been looking for 12 months for full time work, i just cant catch a break. And for the record no, I'm not on the dole..all the employment agencies in my area wont deal with me because IM NOT on benefits
Ray! Posted July 15, 2012 Author Report Posted July 15, 2012 I have to agree with that. My wife has been looking for work, just about anywhere in the region since we moved here, and with years of experience not even one interview. I haven't started looking yet, but I think the way things are at he moment, it'll be Buckley's and none. That's what pisses me off with these handouts and now the government has pledged an extra $1 billion for social workers when there are people who can't even get work. Earlier today, Julia Gillard announced the Federal Government will spend an extra $1 billion to fund a pay rise awarded to Australia's social and community sector workers. http://www.news.com....i-1226426336093 Cheers Ray
Glort Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 And for the record no, I'm not on the dole..all the employment agencies in my area wont deal with me because IM NOT on benefits How does that work? Are they only paid by the gubbermint if you are on benefits? Years ago the dole buldgers had to show they were looking for work and going to interviews to get their handouts. There were apparently an amazing amount of Lion Tamers around as well as snow ski Instructors Particularly in the northern states. My problem was that I really wanted one of those jobs that hardly ever came up and when they did, had 1000 applicants. Photographer Some time later they cracked down on the lion tamers etc But photographers were still an accepted legit occupation that the bludger would have been happy to use as their excuse for long term handouts. I have no idea how it works now but back then you had to line up and hand your form over in person and answer some questions to justify your payout. To me, that lining up with the Blue/green form was one of the most demoralising, low and depressive feelings I ever remember. Even as a young guy straight out of school, Being around all those deadchits and largely dregs of society who seemed to outnumber the poor buggers like me at about 10:1 was something I couldn't stand. I didn't quite manage being on the dole for 3 months before I couldn't bring myself to go up there again and be seen as another one of the bludgers. I knew other legit people were like me as well. The low lifes didn't mind lining up at all to get their handouts, the legit people found it " shameful " for want of a better word.
Tonka Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 Oh i apply for jobs almost daily, sometimes get an interview..never hear a peep back. Ever I don't know if its my age, weight or surname but it is seriously crazy. And its not like I'm focusing on 1 thing, my applications are as diverse as computer technician to truck driver.
BigGQWesty Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 What does your resume state? Are you focussing your application towards the specific job or just handing in a general one. I learnt that a resume has to take the readers eye within the first few seconds or it won't stick in there heads. So I make them appealing, short (no more than one page) and easy reading, mostly dot points with a short paragraph here and there. It's what I believe as I've applied for 10 jobs in my 9 yrs so far, got everyone of them. I've only taken 3 though.. Stick in there. It'll happen.
Tonka Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 Yep ive done exactly that, and i also have 2 different resumes and i alter my cover letter every application to suit.
Tonka Posted July 15, 2012 Report Posted July 15, 2012 One resume for the tech side of things and one for the driver side of things.
Ray! Posted July 15, 2012 Author Report Posted July 15, 2012 You should see some of the job applications my wife has completed. Some have key selection criteria that must be addressed and that can take up to six pages of type to complete. Any government/semi-government job application is insane. I considered applying for a project management job at a local TAFE, but when I started to read the selection criteria in detail, they were after anything but a project manager. Cheers Ray
Tonka Posted July 16, 2012 Report Posted July 16, 2012 http://www.news.com.au/technology/sci-tech/thousands-of-redundant-space-shuttle-scientists-cant-find-new-work/story-fn5fsgyc-1226426729914 Even rocket scientists are joining the dole cue
Chris Posted July 16, 2012 Report Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Hey Tonka, good luck with the job hunting mate, I was having a dig at the genuine bluggers and our retarded government not people that actually need the help if they choose to use it. The simple fact should be if you dont want to take the governments offer to have the immunisations for your child for their benifit, stiff shit. No $$$ to make up the difference. Edited July 16, 2012 by Chris Tonka 1
Tonka Posted July 16, 2012 Report Posted July 16, 2012 When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. Keep on keeping on
Ray! Posted July 16, 2012 Author Report Posted July 16, 2012 This is becomng an absolute farce: STRUGGLING artists would get access to ratepayers' funds to buy property and pay rent under a plan to retain a vibrant cultural scene in the inner city. Yarra Council is considering special grants for artists and art organisations to help them cope with high property prices in suburbs such as Fitzroy and Richmond. The council is worried that soaring prices and limited availability of warehouse-style premises are forcing young and emerging artists from the municipality. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/rates-could-pay-for-struggling-artists/story-e6frf7kx-1226427550944 Cheers Ray
Glort Posted July 17, 2012 Report Posted July 17, 2012 I'm glad I don't have to go job hunting in the traditional sense. I spent a lot of time on it last week lining up clients but that is so much different. These days the whole thing is a charade and BS. Last time I looked for a job years agi I got onto some sites that had Job hunting tips. I saw there was a lot on how to answer questions and 2 of the questions they said almost always asked was about your strengths and weaknesses. The upshot of it is they are useless questions who's sole purpose is to see if you have done your homework on how to play the game and can give an equally useless answer to the stupid question. The answer is irrelevant, it's just to see if you are on their level of pointlessness. And like mentioned, the list of requirements most of these HR morons dream up is ridiculous. They often list a whole heap of things and lengths of experience that you would have to be 127 years old to have acquired and once you did, You wouldn't be working for these clowns, You'd be running your own biz and making $10M a year for yourself! I just hired a girl to come work for me. She knows nothing about the work nor has any experience with it. What she does have though is guts, determination, initiative and drive. She isn't afraid to get her hands Dirty ( and I mean working part time servicing trucks type filthy dirty) dosent give fk what anyone else thinks as long as she is satisfied with what she is doing and the kid can think on her feet and use her brain rather than stand there waiting for instruction. That's a kid I can train to do the work, I can't put that sort of get up and go in them if they don't start with it and have it within them straight off. Seems to me though that initiative and guts isn't even given the chance to be recognised these days and they hire people on the bits of paper they have rather than who they are as a person. I'm confident this kid will be a star and make me a lot of money and in return I'll pay her damn well because I'll be able to afford to and in the long run the most profitable thing for me is keep her happy rather than loose her. I know people like her are hard to come by and I'd be lucky to find another one like her any time soon. I'm also amazed at the tight arse mentality a lot of employers go on with as well. They penny pinch and take their workers for every cent they can. I personally don't understand it. When I had people working for me before, I paid them more than the going rate and they knew it. The thing was, for that bit extra they are happy and loyal. When the proverbial hits the fan as it always does, they dig in, go above and beyond and the clients are impressed and happy. In turn my business looks good, the clients come back and spend more so everyone in the circle is happy and at the end of the day I probably have more money in my pocket than what I could have saved by being a tightarse with the people working for me. Just common sense and good business management to me. I don't envy those looking for work and going to interviews but the one thing I would say is think outside the box, stand out from all the other Vultures you are competing with and be different to get noticed. What also works for me is to be uber professional. The job you are going for maybe for a street sweeper but if you treat it like you are going for a position on the board of Directors and do all the things you would if that was the job you are going for, you will do well. The people that you really want to work for and be happiest with will be smart enough to recognise the standouts as people rather than be preoccupied with what's on the paper they are carrying. Oldmate 1
Glort Posted July 17, 2012 Report Posted July 17, 2012 Some great tips for the Job seekers http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1Rb3f0TzEQ. Seems very practical and workable tips that as far as I can see would almost guarantee getting a job through the stand out and different approach.
Ray! Posted July 17, 2012 Author Report Posted July 17, 2012 And as with the GFC handouts, more unintended consequences: http://www.news.com.au/business/worklife/carbon-tax-compo-being-gambled-away/story-e6frfm9r-1226428729094. Cheers Ray
bigbluemav Posted July 18, 2012 Report Posted July 18, 2012 I have to agree with that. My wife has been looking for work, just about anywhere in the region since we moved here, and with years of experience not even one interview. I haven't started looking yet, but I think the way things are at he moment, it'll be Buckley's and none. That's what pisses me off with these handouts and now the government has pledged an extra $1 billion for social workers when there are people who can't even get work. http://www.news.com....i-1226426336093 Cheers Ray They're not just 'Social Workers', they're the people that work with the aged, people working with people with disabilities, Youth Workers and Child Safety Officers that work with families and kids when they're put into care. Well deserved. Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Ray! Posted July 18, 2012 Author Report Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) This talking about the US, but it might as well be Australia for the scary similarities: . Cheers Ray Edited July 18, 2012 by Ray!
bigbluemav Posted July 18, 2012 Report Posted July 18, 2012 This talking about the US, but it might as well be Australia for the scary similarities: . Cheers Ray Really?? Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
Ray! Posted July 18, 2012 Author Report Posted July 18, 2012 (edited) And the similarities continue: We are us. Cheers Ray Edited July 18, 2012 by Ray!
Oldmate Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 Im sick of hearing people say, theres jobs out there, people just don't want to work. BULLSHIT. Ive been looking for 12 months for full time work, i just cant catch a break. And for the record no, I'm not on the dole..all the employment agencies in my area wont deal with me because IM NOT on benefits Hey mate, You live in the tweed area right? Do you have a trade? Are you looking for one? What skills do you have now? Do you have an ABN? I work for myself, and generally by myself but from time to time I need an extra set of hands. I am a chippy and just do maintenance type work now. PM me some details about yourself etc. Cheers Olly
Ray! Posted July 19, 2012 Author Report Posted July 19, 2012 (edited) The similarities are even more frightening (a good summary): http://catallaxyfile...nd-high-stakes/ Ultimately, Carolla said, the president is simply attempting to pit the haves against the have-nots. ‘Barack Obama’s attempt to denigrate and diminish the achievement of the individual, diminishes us all,’ Cheers Ray Edited July 19, 2012 by Ray!
Tonka Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 Hey mate, You live in the tweed area right? Do you have a trade? Are you looking for one? What skills do you have now? Do you have an ABN? I work for myself, and generally by myself but from time to time I need an extra set of hands. I am a chippy and just do maintenance type work now. PM me some details about yourself etc. Cheers Olly Olly i have a contract coming up now for the olympics, can i shoot you a message after they are over? Thanks champ!
bigbluemav Posted July 19, 2012 Report Posted July 19, 2012 The similarities are even more frightening (a good summary): http://catallaxyfile...nd-high-stakes/ Cheers Ray Really? Propoganda MUCH? Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2
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