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Hey bogmeister, I haven't tried them but I've discovered that any light that's a lot brighter than the std lights blind others whether it's directly in their eyes or not. I personally don't like them from the other drivers perspective. But if you aren't worried about what other drivers think, go for it.

Btw if they do what they say it'd be a great alternative.


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The father inlaw has these fitted to his Prado, and are excellent..

Depending on your lens though, will depend on the cut off level. It's all well and good to have the 'shield', but light is still going to bunch around in the glass..

But great prices to on that site..

  • 4 weeks later...

Any HID bulb going into a standard reflector will blind oncoming traffic. The only way to set up HID lighting correctly is installing HID projectors then installing HID bulbs. A proper HID bulb doesn't have high and low built into the bulb it's controlled by a solenoid which operated the cut off which looks like an eyelid covering half the bulb. When you hit high beam the solenoid opens the eyelids up giving you high beam.

It takes about an extra 2 hours to do properly but they leave halogen for dead and I've never been flashed by oncoming traffic with mine. The perfect cut off stops the light hitting oncoming traffic but they still produce awesome light.

Cheers Mick.


Perhaps it's not HID"s I'm against but rather these kits that don't do the job properly.

I'm getting sick to death of being blinded by these things and someone is going to do it at the wrong time and the end result will not be pretty.

I have had idiots behind me a couple of times in the last few weeks with these things blazing into the back window and blinding me.

I pulled over and let them past then hit them with high beam and the output from a couple of 20+yo rectangular Hella's with the plain old 100W H3 bulbs that people espouse aren't good enough any more.

There was no mistaking how effective they still are judging by the drivers reaction.

The other one was some young Jerkoff in some POS worth $500 with a $5000 stereo That came blazing up behind me then was obviously sitting at the correct distance for max blinding effect. People also lament the brakes on Patrols as being ineffective but they seem plenty effective to me and I'll bet the aresewipe behind me that night thought so too. I -may- :rolleyes: have felt a very slight bump and there was some white paint specs on the towbar I noticed the next morning.

What really pi$$ me off though was when I was out with the young fella for driving practice and this turd came along the road towards us blinding us both. The young fella was hard pushed to see a damn thing and did well just to keep the car threaded between the parked cars and the road ornaments. IT clearly threw him and he was asking what he should do in those situations. I refrained from my honest thoughts of telling him to turn around and mow them off the road before they caused some innocent person to come to grief.

Seriously, I really can't see the need for these kit things. I appreciate with some of the young and stupid crowd they are part of the substitution for a lack of penile growth which also goes in hand with a lack of brain function, but for others.....???

The Lights on my Gq which I put new standard inserts and the regular H4 globes in when I got it to pass rego are plenty bright enough and throw on a couple of decent driving lights and I fail to see why people need any more. If you are that blind you shouldn't be driving, seriously.

And before we hear the typical " You should try Driving in the country" I do. In places that don't have a street light in sight for miles in any direction in the distance.

The H4's are fine on their own, with the spotties you can see further than you need to and well off to the sides as well.

And I have driven the Old mans Forrester that has factory HID's on the same roads. Yes, they are nice but I also notice they can be a bit too reflective off road signs for my liking depending on the undulations of the road and the angle the light hits them.

And that's something else I don't get with the fanatics who try to justify having 10,000W of HID light out of the headlights and 8 Spotties.

When you are using all this light trying to Illuminate the dark side of the moon, Your eyes will adjust and the pupil of your eye will stop down.

When another vehicle comes along and you ( hopefully) go back to low beam, it will take minutes for your eyes to adjust and in the mean time you'll be flying relatively blind, completely negating any safety benefit in having the flame throwers in the first place!

It's just like being outside on a bright sunny day and walking into the house that has a couple of the blinds pulled down. You can't see crap.

In the case of the lights, You will think you are seeing OK but anything not in the beam will be totally black to you.

My eyes are not what they used to be, That I can tell, but I can still see fine where I am going with H4's and If I can't, I'll slow down or hand in my licence.

Respectfully I'd say if you think you need these things, consider the safety aspect all round and do them right with the proper reflectors rather than patch jobs.

You are probably in more danger from having someone blinded tag you than leaving the std lights.


I remember once driving at night with a pro photographer, and being tailgated by some lamebrain.

He told me to grab a flash unit from the back, charged it up, and I aimed it out the back window and let it rip.

We didn't see the nuisance again........


Glort, I don't wanna be one of those F*^k wits, I do some huge distances at night and want the brightest lights I can get without p1ssing people off. Thats why I want to know if anyone has tried these and do they work as well as the advertising blurb says, before I waste $200+ and have to flog them off on Fleabay


Yeah I know Bog.

I wasn't aiming my vent at you so much as the frequent mentality of people over those lights. I should have clarified that better.

My apologies if it came across wrong.

I can see the advantages of them but I have been pissed off with them so much more. The ones you linked to do seem to go to some pains to prevent the problems which is good.

I still reckon a good pair of Hella's with H3's are good enough for me though. :)


You just gotta take the time to set it up right..

It's amazing how many ppl have there lights to high and blind me on the way to work.

I'm probably going to grab a set for my bus as I'm sick of fixing the rally 1000's, and the stick GQ lights.., well a torch would be better...


It doesn't matter how you aim HIDs in a reflector that cant be aimed at all period. This is why people are pissed off with HIDs and there getting a bad name. Halogens go in reflectors and HIDs go in Projectors. There is a massive difference between the 2.

Those HIDs in that link are no different to any other $20 HID kit on the market except good marketing. No reflector shield will stop the reflection of the light going into the reflector and reflecting back into peoples eyes. If your not going to convert them properly I wouldn't do it at all you will probably get flashed until you remove them anyway. Not to mention there high beams are totally usless. It only costs an extra $100 for projectors and they leave those kits for dead.

Cheers Mick.


Yeah I know Bog.

I wasn't aiming my vent at you so much as the frequent mentality of people over those lights. I should have clarified that better.

My apologies if it came across wrong.

I can see the advantages of them but I have been pissed off with them so much more. The ones you linked to do seem to go to some pains to prevent the problems which is good.

I still reckon a good pair of Hella's with H3's are good enough for me though. :)

Its cool mate. I just didnt want to come across as a doof doof wayne kerr lol. Some time inflection is lost in written text.

Could you throw a link of the kits your talking about. I'm struggling to find anything different


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