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I have a tandem trailer, but some of the places are simply too difficult to get it in. We went looking at a new place, so had no idea what to expect (very slippery in parts), but collected some wood all the same. Surprisingly enough, I've been doing this for years, especially on our camping trips, and the interior of the Patrols have always stood up, provided that you tie the wood down properly so that it doesn't move about.




My Patrol looked much the same last Sunday. Filled the trailer and then moved onto the car. Thinking of getting a cargo barrier to protect the baby and us from objects from the back. If anyone has one for sale PM me.


I usually find the biggest tree I can and drag it back to camp and cut it up there.

I thnk doing that down the main hwy would be frowned upon.

On another note, what does DSE actually mean? Today I went to have a look around the Blue Rock dam area to see what the wood situation was like and before I left, I checked the DSE site for locations. The place I went to had an areas marked for 4WD access only and another for 2WD access. I decided to check out the 2WD site first, as I wanted to bring our trailer with us tomorrow so best to start easy if possible. The site for 2WD access was well sign posted with clear indications of where to go and obviously put there for Joe Average so that he would get himself into strife. About 100m into the track, I decided to put the Patrol into H4, as it looked like it was going to be a tad slippery. Not only was it slippery, it was full of bog holes and pretty overgrown; this was not a place to take a 2WD. After several kilometres, it was evident that this was a lost cause for wood, so I backtracked to the main road and went looking for some 4WD tracks.

About 500m in the other direction, I came to the 4WD access track posted on the DSE web site. This was a well made road, accessible by any vehicle, and as I followed it along I just couldn't believe the way the sites had been marked. A kilometre or so further down, the track got a bit worn out, but nothing that just about any 2WD couldn't manage. This was insane, the DSE web site had marked out an area for 2WD access that would have put most 2WDs into serious trouble, even on a summer's day, yet the 4WD track could take a golf buggy. This isn't the first time that I've seen crap like this from the DSE and it really makes me wonder if there is a neuron to share between all the oxygen thieves existing on a sinecure called the DSE.

It's time that the entire organisation was completely purged and everything started afresh.




Simple. A wood chuck can chuck as much wood as a wood chuck can chuck.

I was going to say, as much as it F-ing wants to... Lol

But I to don't mind the slog. It's getting harder though to find willing farmers to share there land these days. Heading soon again hopefully before our new land owners move out..


I usually pile all my wood on the roof rack.

That's a long way to lift 1/2 ton or so of wood, kind of wobbly on the road as well.



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