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I'm all for conservation etc, but some of the things that our eco-worriers (not warriors) do, beggars belief.

Example One:

Eyktir is a 24-Hour Clock Made from Biodegradable Cardboard



Cute, but once the cardboard absorbs moisture etc and no longer looks pretty, what happens? The whole lot, battery, clock mechanism etc are binned. Recycled, biodegradable?.

Example Two:

Recycle a Cardboard Box Into a DIY Earring Holder


You will need:

  • A lid from a sturdy cardboard shoebox or similar box
  • A stapler
  • String, yarn, lace, ribbon or embroidery thread in assorted colors
  • Glue
  • Double-sided tape
  • Fabric large enough to cover the cardboard box lid (you can also use fabric cut from a used shirt, sheet, or scarf here!)
  • A needle and thread
  • Measuring tape or a ruler
  • Assorted buttons or large beads

So to recycle a cardboard lid, one also puts to use a pile of new materials (and what Greenie is going to give up their hair shirt). Why not just pull a piece of string from Point A to Point B on a wall or such and be really eco-friendly (I actually did that so my wife could hang her stuff in the bathroom).

Example Three:

Sandra Cabello’s Cardboard Wall Stores Everything from Brooms to Coffee Cups


An eco-friendly take on the traditional cupboard and room divider, this cool and simple design uses fewer trees and takes a quirky approach to everyday storage.

Designed as a room divider for a shared home, its holes prevent it becoming a barrier to dialogue, and in fact help keep people informed.

So it only uses fewer trees and keeps people informed?


It used to be sex, drugs and rock and roll, what happened?




You must be missing the debates/arguments/bullshyt from the old site Ray from when you u to post interesting topics, someone always had something to bite back on there!


So it only uses fewer trees and keeps people informed?

Don't see the point realy, Trees are the most renewable resourse we have, Chop one down plant two, Not real hard to work out.

Cheers Dave.


I'm all for conservation etc, but some of the things that our eco-worriers (not warriors) do, beggars belief.

Example One:

Cute, but once the cardboard absorbs moisture etc and no longer looks pretty, what happens? The whole lot, battery, clock mechanism etc are binned. Recycled, biodegradable?.


Go back a few steps....

Making cardboard requires a lot more energy input, processing chemicals and emissions than producing a bit of ordinary wood.

The wood has to be chipped, pulverised, cooked,

If the cardboard is reycycled, thats worse because it takes more energy input still than going from raw materials.

So to me the idiocity is the fact they made this using a lot more energy and planet UNfriendly processes just to be trendy than what simply mounting the mechanism on a plain laqured would have required.

I'm pretty sure wood was biodegrading on the bush floor before all this eco crap came along.

Show me something " Green", eco friendy, Biodegradeable or anyother trendy term related to saving the environment and 99% of the time I'll show you something that is WORSE than the regular product and is nothing more than a scam playing on this whole marketing Hype.


Show me something " Green", eco friendy, Biodegradeable or anyother trendy term related to saving the environment and 99% of the time I'll show you something that is WORSE than the regular product and is nothing more than a scam playing on this whole marketing Hype.

So many people seem to believe that all of this shit is somehow sustainable and great for the environment and people generally. The biggest thing that I hate is when I'm watching Grand Designs (a program that I like) and they have some hair shirt couple claiming to be building their dream 'sustainable home'. If everyone built their homes based on some of these sustainable ideas, there'd be no forests, grasslands, or anything else sustainable left in the world, nor room to build them either.

You must be missing the debates/arguments/bullshyt from the old site Ray from when you u to post interesting topics, someone always had something to bite back on there!

Nah, I was posting this stuff in the general section over there as well. I like to think of these posts as mental stimulation, to maintain a healthy mind by providing variety rather than stagnating. :)




You must be missing the debates/arguments/bullshyt from the old site Ray from when you u to post interesting topics, someone always had something to bite back on there!

And here I am! Personally, I admire the creativity of some of this stuff and the creativity of the materials.


And here I am! Personally, I admire the creativity of some of this stuff and the creativity of the materials.

Admire away.



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