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Still going without smokes....ahh its been a few weeks and its still not getting easier.....when will it stop:angry:

Help me out guys....

Share your success or not stories with me....



Harden the fark up you weak little man and ignore those cravings, you know your better of for it.

Brought to you from the smokers anonamous division of the angry club.

The angry club where we can turn that smile upside down.

Keep it up mate, couple more weeks will see you through


Stay angry at the smokes!!!!

They steal your money!!!

They make you unfit!!!!

They make you stink!!!

They'll kill you!!!

All those execs at the ciggie factories are laughin at ya!!!!

Everytime you feel the urge for a smoke, deliberately change what you are doing and concentrate on a different subject. After a minute, those cravings will be gone. Keep doin it!!

Once you've stopped, you won't look back after the first month!!


Or, Do as I did!!

Run out of smokes in the middle of the Simpson Desert with 5 days till the next shop!!!

I just learned to turn the cravings off by switching my focus to a new subject. I still get that "kill for a smoke" feeling every now and again. Eg. Sunday (yesterday) arv. 2 pm. Scenic Rim. Bent steering arm. Sitting around in the bush straightening the arm. But, I change my mental focus to a new subject and forget about the urge to smoke!!

You can do it!! Keep angry at the bastards@!!!


I have quit smoking for four months but I am now fully addicted to these http://vaporsmiths.com/. I went from 40 12mg smokes a day to 0 literally over night. No cravings, no anger no worries. The problem is I have to order these from the states and they take 10 days to get here. I had a minor throat irritation for the first week or two but it now costs me about $6 per day instead. No smell, no toxins, no fire risk, much healthier and you can use them in a pub because there is no smoke.


I have quit smoking for four months but I am now fully addicted to these http://vaporsmiths.com/. I went from 40 12mg smokes a day to 0 literally over night. No cravings, no anger no worries. The problem is I have to order these from the states and they take 10 days to get here. I had a minor throat irritation for the first week or two but it now costs me about $6 per day instead. No smell, no toxins, no fire risk, much healthier and you can use them in a pub because there is no smoke.

Hmmm....I'm trying to get rid of an addiction lol not start another one :D

Very tempting tho.

I've heard about them before.



I'm up to about week 6 or there abouts...

mood swings and feeling depressed are all part of it....

find something else to stimulate the habbit as I found that the

habbit was worse then the addiction...

you will feel great initially then feel worse then ever and then it will start to climb back up again...

retail therapy with the extra cash you save can help too...

Dont give up!!!


Just work out what your trigger is, or was, that's the best thing to do.. best way to work that out is to write down what you were doing at the time of a craving. Actually write it down on paper.. by the time you have written it down the craving will have gone. In the coming days and weeks you can read back on those things and work out how to deal with them (avoid situation, change something, whatever)

Also, drink lots of water, it will help your body recover.

I used to smoke at least a pack of 30's a day but gave up overnight when my daughter was born. Find a motivation and stick to it!

Once the cravings are getting far and few between you will wonder why you did it in the first place. Social situations where you would normally "duck out few a quick smoke with the guys" you will notice... especially in winter when they have to go out side. Chuck all the ashtrays out, if you used to smoke outside your house mix some pine o clean in a bucket of water and wash the area down... you'll still smell it later !

My wife smokes and when she comes in from outside i can smell the stink of ciggerettes, I hate it!

You are doing really well! Keep it up!

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2


Ok. What we did was went and bought something that we really wanted. At the time was a fridge. We said right that was $1200 bucks so $100 a week it cost for smoking we have to stay of them for 12 weeks. Then we got something else, then lockers , then lift , then who knows but it has been over 2 yrs since we quit.

Give that a go champ. It is hard though but stay focused. And don't substitute with another habit. Eg eating, alcohol. Every time you want a smoke go get a glass of water.

Posted (edited)

I did the same thing with grog, cut back on the cartons and spirits and would buy something for the rig or myself with what i saved, it actually makes you quite proud of yourself!

I do the glass of water thing to with the beer, i drink a lot more water for it too.

Edited by Nutta
Posted (edited)

Been about two and a half years since I quit. Every now and then I still feel like a fag, but no problem resisting the urge. My approach was 1) Drum it into your brain that that first cigarette you smoke after quitting will be the deal breaker and 2) Every week, go spend your smoke money on something. Doesn't matter what it is just go spend it (I've got a shed full of $70 tools lol). That way you either feel guilty or are too poor to buy smokes. good luck with it.

Edited by ReefMagnet

Yeah atleast I know I don't want to smoke anymore.

Was chewing the smoking chewy but now my jaw is sore that I gave up on that idea.


Posted (edited)

2.5 years off them now and was up to 30-40 a day. Best thing ever. Now wish I had never started.

Dont even think about them now. Stick with it.

Put $15 in a jar each day for a month, helps to remind you of the benefits.

Do 20 pushups every time you think of a smoke.

Edited by Adricat

I quit smoking 6 years ago, best decision I ever made.

At first I would wake in the morning with urge to smoke but after 2 months I forgot about it.

OH, and kissing a smoker woman is like kissing an ashtray, so trueee! :D

You'll notice the stink only after quit smoking...

Keep strong,


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