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If you genuinely think this forum has a shot at the big time, the software is fantastic and I think everyone from patrol4x4 doesnt yet realize what they r missing, then we( patrol4x4 members) need to make mention that this site is what it is and try to get them crossing over...

  • 3 weeks later...

Well I've signed up here just in case there are any other flying badgers who have a patrol. If p4x4 goes down, I hope this site keeps a similar good technical base, the nisspat.com.au site is far too happy clappy for my liking

thats coz you're a right grumpy buggah Badger!!!!!!!

thats coz you're a right grumpy buggah Badger!!!!!!!

i'm not grumpy - but it shits me no end when i look down the "recent posts" list and you can see where some dickhead has just pasted exactly the same "welcome" into about 15 threads. it's so false.


i'm not grumpy - but it shits me no end when i look down the "recent posts" list and you can see where some dickhead has just pasted exactly the same "welcome" into about 15 threads. it's so false.

I wouldnt have used the word fake but yes i know what ya mean........ ive given up the welcoming, tis too much like hard work

perfectly fine for this forum to coexist with all the other forums around. Just a choice of migrating or not or using both.

Bitching and slanging at, and second guessing what admin are doing with a forum is tiring to keep reading. Who cares? If it works it works. :)

I think patrol4x4's problem was that admin were possibly a bit too honest about the workings of the forum in the name of maintaining "grass roots" relationships. But its all irrelevant when it comes to the crunch. The owner does what he/she can. Once again, if it works it works.

I like this forum, it has a chat room :lol:


I think this entire issue of forum envy has gone on way too long. It's just as bad at Patrol4x4. No need to maintain a Hatfields and McCoys fued. ;)




Getting back to the topic, I think the forum is off to a great kick start. I was reading stuff before that dosen't even apply to my truck but it was still a good read and great info. I thought right then the worry of a loss of info is exactly as I have been saying. The info is with the members not the site itself.

There is a lot of info to be had right now just by asking the people here a question.


Would be good to have a general Q and A thread sticky at the top of each forum for any repeat questions. Not a general discussion, just somewhere to post links to various already answered topics that come up. This may end the endless new threads that arrise on the same topic.

And maybe a Snopes thread lol...

And I will have a patrol again oneday soon to those who think "oh geez this dude dont have no patrol, will he f*** off?" lol


Would be good to have a general Q and A thread sticky at the top of each forum for any repeat questions. Not a general discussion, just somewhere to post links to various already answered topics that come up. This may end the endless new threads that arrise on the same topic.

And maybe a Snopes thread lol...

And I will have a patrol again oneday soon to those who think "oh geez this dude dont have no patrol, will he f*** off?" lol

Im'e sure you will be fine BB Just dont buy a jeep become a Mod and act like a Headmaster as some one else we know did woth a name starting with Y !!! hehehehehehe :lol::ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:
Posted (edited)

im sure if 4x4 internet forums did not attract imbeciles then headmaster tactics would not have needed to be employed as a single moderator actively moderating every single forum with over 200 people active every day.

Edited by not_yom

im sure if 4x4 internet forums did not attract imbeciles then headmaster tactics would not have needed to be employed as a single moderator actively moderating every single forum with over 200 people active every day.

Posted (edited)

I am not_yom, are you illiterate?

Perhaps the opposite ... GQB might be reading between the lines. Useful when trying to kickstart a forum.

Edited by twisty

Why would anyone give themselves a forum moniker like not_yom? Does this mean they had a love/hate relationship with someone who is_yom? Could this be a riddle? What if we reversed the moniker. We'd have moy_ton. Could that be really moy-lots? Could it just be moy? Could it really be moise?



  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I am not_yom, are you illiterate?

Actally I am!!!!!!!

No, I am.

Seriously, there appears to be a huge slowdown occurring here with threads often going up to 24 hours without comment/reply, I did not want Patrol 4x4 to fail (and it has come through with flying colours) and I did join this forum as a safety mechanism but now this one seems to be in some danger and that would be sad as well.

Edited by geeyoutoo

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