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Anyone else having problems with Patrol4x4.com. It won’t let me reply to posts. I logged out to reset. Now I can’t log in, can’t reregister (doesn’t like my year of birth), can’t post anything. Can’t even contact them.


It's been rooted for days. Whether it will recover is the unknown, but it sure seems like it's in its death throes.




I haven't been able to log in for two days now. It's a shame because of the wealth of knowledge that is there.




hopefully everyone comes here and not Nissan patrol dot com.

Too late. The other sites (I'm a member there as well) ranks took a HUGE leap in members (more than 1000, I watched) and continues to grow. Different strokes.


I hardly go on there now, this forum is moving nicely and hardly anyone is posting on patrol4x4

Going down hill very fast

I think that's because Hardly anyone CAN get in on the other forum let alone post.

Dunno why people are going to other forums when this one is here.

It could be the new and much improved version of the old one with a different address.

Question will be how long the other one stays down and how many people will bother going back.

Not much use posting where the info is going to be lost.


I just had a look. 34 new posts since I last logged in.

Looking through them, I don't see a single one that required and of the information there that people seems to make so much fuss of.

Anything worthwhile I may have to say I'll put here where the chances of survival look a whole lot better.


Latest word is they want the forum to run like a 4.2lt and not a 3.0lt, it may soon look like a Bulletin Board. ;)





Things are starting to sound pretty dodgy over there.

I asked what was going on with the forum and was told to contact a mod direct.

WTF is the big deal with telling people what is going on unless they are doing something dodgy or underhanded?

Does anyone know if there are any tricks to gaining access or control of a site legally if the owner can't be contacted?

The way things are being put, it's really starteing to sound like a case of "we can't get permission so given how we want it so bad we are just going to take it. "

I would hope that's not the case but it seem like either the members are being strung along and a lot of BS blown their way or there are underhanded plans afoot.

Pitty there is no info to clear things up.


You cannot take over any website without the owners approval. You can secure a domain name if payment for the name lapses, but you don't get the content. I think I know what they are trying to do and they are being discrete about the whole process.




You cannot take over any website without the owners approval. You can secure a domain name if payment for the name lapses, but you don't get the content. I think I know what they are trying to do and they are being discrete about the whole process.



So C'mon Ray, Spill the beans, what do you think their plan is?


Yeah you can't keep that one a secret as its rude...

I'm still checking the other forum but only posting here.

Well for now anyways...


Been a member on patrol4x4 for several years ,It's always been a great sorce of information an generally a great forum. Like many others I'd be dissapointed to see it fall,

But everyone bagging it will not help it's future .

I joined here because i'm keen to support this forum just as much as the old one ,being a new forum there's bound to be new knowledge from people who were never on the old forum,

Be nice to see less bitchin an more supporting for both forums , otherwise we might as well all go an join outers.


There were no plans for a take over, there have been numerous offers for a buy out from the owner, but he refused many an offer. Its a damn shame to see JET-6 chuck in the towel, but there comes a time when you know you have to step aside and let it takes its own course.

RIP Patrol4x4.com, your content and friends will surely be missed!


Is it possible to take a backup copy of the entire patrol4x4.com site, clean it off with a hose and then migrate into this forum? Ofcourse leaving the General discussion area out lol...

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