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So C'mon Ray, Spill the beans, what do you think their plan is?

I've spoken to Slim about it and we both have the same thoughts, but best not to air them until we know exactly what's going to happen to Patrol4x4.



Posted (edited)

There were no plans for a take over, there have been numerous offers for a buy out from the owner, but he refused many an offer. Its a damn shame to see JET-6 chuck in the towel, but there comes a time when you know you have to step aside and let it takes its own course.

RIP Patrol4x4.com, your content and friends will surely be missed!

I was surprised by jet's little hissy fit but I see he's had a rethink today and over his little tantrum.

If anyone else did that they would have all sorts of chit put on them but for him it will be ok.

The amount of sucking up going on there is ridicilous. Not taking anything away from the efforts of those trying to save the forum but I really have to wonder.... If they couldn't contact the owner as they have said, what the hell was all the hard work they were putting in to savng the forum?

You would only send so many unanswered emails or leave so many messages surely.

Anyway, looks like they have finally made contact with the man so all appears to be OK now.

That does beg the qustion though, if they hadn't been able to contact him for so long, exactly WHAT were they basing all the " She'll be right, we'll fix it comments on? Either they were planning something underhanded or just feeding the membership a load of baseless crap to keep them pacified and stringing them along.

I think this whole little chit fight has really shown a lot of insight into a few people there.

Edited by Glort

slim -

you were pretty rude over there ..

Honesty sometimes comes across that way. I certainly have a lot more respect for people that have the gut to say their piece rather than suck up even if I do disagree with them. Seems that's getting a rare thing on the other site.

And yet again, rather than defend his position , Jet had to fall back on his favourite argument ..... Threatening to ban anyone who dosen't follow his way of thinking.


its like somebody bring a knife to a gunfight. . . .guy with knife "Ill stab you!" -guy with gun. . . "ill shoot ya."

insulting forum mods/admin isnt brilliant if you plan on staying a member.

On a side note. . . im not sure he could ban anyone. . . he said himself they were locked out of control panel, he said he couldn't even change a thread title.


Honesty sometimes comes across that way. I certainly have a lot more respect for people that have the gut to say their piece rather than suck up even if I do disagree with them. Seems that's getting a rare thing on the other site.

And yet again, rather than defend his position , Jet had to fall back on his favourite argument ..... Threatening to ban anyone who dosen't follow his way of thinking.


I was or am a member over at patrol 4x4 and have only logged on with the works computer as I was not trusting enough of peoples reports that everything was ok.

I have migrated over here, so hopefully the same advice is around for newer owners of patrols that was available to me and everyone else over there is available here.

Some familiar user names from there are now over here.




I think most of the knowledge base is much the same here as over there, so I doubt you'll be lacking any information that you might need. Sometimes a fresh start isn't a bad thing (funny that, coming from a conservative arsehole). :D




Sometimes a fresh start isn't a bad thing (funny that, coming from a conservative arsehole). :D



Com on Ray don't be so hard on yourself we all no thats not true ha ha




dont forget,

this forum is like 4 weeks old.

patrol4x4 is 10 years old.

So I guess we can look forward to the two year old tantrums, while the other gets closer to puberty. :D



Posted (edited)

I keep hearing those voices too.

If I ignore them for long enough I'm hoping the lawn will in fact mow itself and the shed will put itself up.. ohh no the voices are saying that isn't going to happen... maybe the unfreezing process has destroyed my inner monolouge?

Edited by dronus4x4

Honesty sometimes comes across that way. I certainly have a lot more respect for people that have the gut to say their piece rather than suck up even if I do disagree with them. Seems that's getting a rare thing on the other site.

And yet again, rather than defend his position , Jet had to fall back on his favourite argument ..... Threatening to ban anyone who dosen't follow his way of thinking.

lol ..


We should send a call out for truckster hehe

Checking weapons, IEDs, chemical repository. What have I missed? :angry:




Im sure none of use wanted it to get to this point. Interesting comment Auto on merging the Two to make so called "Super Forum". Not sure that would work!

Posted (edited)

Im sure none of use wanted it to get to this point. Interesting comment Auto on merging the Two to make so called "Super Forum". Not sure that would work!

Patrol4x4.com, running the latest vBulletin, owned by somebody who is reliable.

Truth is, We have the ingredients, they already have the forum, this site has the software and an owner!

-terry sells to david, david updates software, . . . *presto* one superforum cummin' up

Edited by Jacket_1985

I can't seem to log in on P4x4, either I'm getting the password wrong or it tells me I have followed an invalid link when I hit Log In? I'm more of a lurker/reader than throwing in my 2c anyway. Unless I have something usefull to add of course.

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