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I'm on a roll.. Today was the window wipers.. After 480 000ks the originals were getting a bit sad.. The blade was nearly flat on the window.. Lol

So of to repco to get some blades and spines..


I first got the 430mm blades but the 450's give a full window wipe..

Next to get the old arms off.. Pretty simple.. First I undid the bolts under the cover, then using a small tyre lever and a but of timber to lever against they just pop off.. There a cone spline so they come off easy..

Right'o.. I gave them s light sanding to remove loose paint and roughen it a little. A quick wipe with the rubbing alcohol and hung them to dry..


3 coats of gloss black later...


And I've bolted them back on.. I have used never seize so there easier next time..


So smooth a quite... Well worth the $70..


All in a day..

And today.. New 3 piece 3mtr sand flag.. (only 2 fitted ATM..)


Where did you get the sand flag from and cost?

Will need one for my Simpson trip in July.


My old girl was loosing some of her get up and go so time for some maintence.

Cleaned the Walbro Fuel Pump Strainer

Changed the CAV filter

Replaced the Water injection pump

Fixed the WI switch to bring it on a bit earlier

Filled the WI tank with 30% Meth

Put 50L of Fuel in the tank. Gets expensive in winter, cost about $7.50.

Noticed she is starting to blow a bit of smoke that smells like engine oil. I think she is starting to get a bit tired. I'm pretty sure one cylinder or injector isn't happy or pulling it's weight.

Pretty dissapointing seeing it only has 565,000 on the clock. :(


Mitch i want your light bar please lol

Built my bump stop extensions today, well really just fabbed up a extension off the diff for the bump stop out of some 4mm plate some 30mm OD pipe and some 2mm plate :)


It's not something I did myself but I payed for it. Had the fuel pump rebuilt in my 4.2 TD. The old one was leaking pretty bad so upgraded it to an 11mm pump with a boost compensator and had the injectors done at the same time. The power increase is awesome, had a big smile on face all the way home.

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