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Monetisation - Making this place pay for itself.

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Ive recieved a lot of questions from members of 4x4patrol.com (the other site) about the future of this site - Most of the questions have been fair concidering the doubt over the other forums future.

To make things clear and upfront I have put together the following information.

Firstly, anyone who runs a forum does it to either make money or they run it out of the kindness of their heart. The later are in the minority.

This place will in one way or another need to pay for itself - either through donations, advertising or vendor sponsorship or a combination of these things.

Obviously while this place is so small, Vendors and Advertising is out and I doubt many of you will want to donate to somthing that's so new. (I couldnt blame you for that) - So for now the cost of running this place will fall on my shoulders + any generous members wishing to donate.

In the future, when this place gets bigger I may introduce a vendors area - where vendors can pay for their own special spot in the forum and I may introduce premium accounts - which may offer extra features or Kudos for those who pay a small donation to keep the place running. Finally I may also introduce targeted advertising - However if this occurs I will ensure its not in your face.

All this is pie in the sky - as this place may never really take off - But in the future if things go well no one will be able to point the finger and say - Hey - you never told us about these things upfront. Concider yourself informed!

So here are some of the questions I got from various members of other forums with answers...

Why was this place started? - I was a regular viewer of patrol4x4.com - after being restricted to using it in tapatalk for a few weeks it dawned on me that patrol4x4 may never recover and I saw an opportunity to help the community and to possibly make some money - So I took that opportunity and ran with it.

Who owns this place? - Me its a personal hobby, not part of my day job / business.

Is it in my Will? - Um, no, not directly.

How long will this site survive? - As long as there is demand for it - I will fund it for 12-18 months after which time it will either fund itself via the above, or it will have dwindled into obscurity.

Who moderates this site? - Me, thou I have offered patrol4x4.com moderators the same positions here if that site does dissapear or they decide its not worth saving. If it gets to be to much work for me and none of the patrol4x4 guys want the job then I may take allow reliable members from here to help out.

If you have any other questions feel free to message me and I will answer them publically here.


Possible easy way to offer members the chance to donate would be to add a automated paypal thing that you may need to connect to a seperate account just to house the funds for the site and what nots, i was part of another forum ages ago that used one and was a big succsess as it was a hassel free way to donate to the forum to keep it running, it even showed the last 10 people who donated and how much and in my experiance if alot donate a litte its better then a few donating alot.


Possible easy way to offer members the chance to donate would be to add a automated paypal thing that you may need to connect to a seperate account just to house the funds for the site and what nots, i was part of another forum ages ago that used one and was a big succsess as it was a hassel free way to donate to the forum to keep it running, it even showed the last 10 people who donated and how much and in my experiance if alot donate a litte its better then a few donating alot.

This is allready up and running - If you look at the home page on the right hand column, there are two donate options - these are linked to PayPal - Members can donate if they wish towards the costs of the two features mentioned.


This is allready up and running - If you look at the home page on the right hand column, there are two donate options - these are linked to PayPal - Members can donate if they wish towards the costs of the two features mentioned.

Whacked some donations in each of them to get the ball rolling, I encourage others to also donate something, no matter how much or how little, The Admin has forked out his own cash to get this online so a few bucks from everyone will make it even better!



I'm very appreciative of this site. Over the course of a few weeks to months I will be doing it very tough financially. That tough that I haven't been able to buy my smokes..maybe a good thing tho lol.

I will not hesitate to make a donation once I get through my issue.

And besides all the money people will be saving from the other site from not having to buy antivirus software there should be quite a few donations helping with costs :D



I'm very appreciative of this site. Over the course of a few weeks to months I will be doing it very tough financially. That tough that I haven't been able to buy my smokes..maybe a good thing tho lol.

I will not hesitate to make a donation once I get through my issue.

And besides all the money people will be saving from the other site from not having to buy antivirus software there should be quite a few donations helping with costs :D


Hope u get through your tough patch mate, you sound like an Aussie battler so you will find a way. Yeah give up the smokes if you can, not easy but good long term goal.



Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Posted (edited)

Hope u get through your tough patch mate, you sound like an Aussie battler so you will find a way. Yeah give up the smokes if you can, not easy but good long term goal.



Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Yep typical Aussie battler. Funny tho if I went on dole I would probly be better off lol.

The gu motor blowing up sucked all my money..8 grand...:angry: plus 3 kids and I'm the only one working. Will press on ..

Day 4 without smokes.. easier than I thought.



Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Edited by cairnsGU

Yep typical Aussie battler. Funny tho if I went on dole I would probly be better off lol.

The gu motor blowing up sucked all my money..8 grand... :angry: plus 3 kids and I'm the only one working. Will press on ..

Day 4 without smokes.. easier than I thought.



Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Good work on the smokes!! Hard ta do, and hope all comes together for you and your family!!I got three youngins makes things tight but all worth it. :)

What's the difference between the 2 donation buttons


Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

No real difference - Money all goes to me! :-)


Hats, Stubbie Holders , Shirts,

So many people on patrol4x4 wanted these items all the time , if someone on this forum could organise this type of thing for this forum the items themselves could help put money back into the forum.

How many people would mind paying an extra 50c or $1 for an item if they know the moneys going to something they use all the time .

Just a thought !


ill donate happily on one condition(ill pay out both of your widgets). . . . . if you have a satisfying answer to these 2 questions.

1: will you share ownership of this forum with somebody for the sake of the same not happening here as it did on the old forum.

2: will you appoint mods/admins to assist with the site.

Basically i want a little evidence the time/money we as members will now contribute to making this forum awesome will be preserved for our use.

There is no point me or anyone else sitting down and writing articles/uploading pics on king suspension, ARB airlocker installation, simex/maxxis tyres, TD42's, NADS, and a host of other subjects if its all going to go to the craphouse when you get bored or get run over by a bus etc. i put over 5,000 posts onto the old forum. . . . admittedly a fair whack of it was banter/crap, but maybe 500 of those posts were informative and useful to at least a few people.

Thats years of working on patrols. . . doing instructions for people, taking pics of things, etc, iv sent over 400 PM's in reply to people asking me stuff about what patrol to buy, valuations, how to do this/that, and now look at it. . . . . im not being an asshole, iv just have a gutfull at the moment.

and its not just my time/money/experience that has been lost, how about guys like Whitie, chaz, Sim79, OLDmav, toughdiesels, etc etc.

I have NOTHING against you. . . as i dont know you from a bar of soap, except that your response/ideas seem, reasonable from what iv read. however if you alone are going to control this forum ill be keeping my money.

If there is one thing we have learned the hard way, its that this sort of thing cannot be a one-man-show.


First of all - Please dont pay out those two donation's - There are more than enough people around to spread the cost out - I would rather a lot of people throw in a few bucks each than a small handful fork out stacks.. That would be crazy.

To answer your questions..

1. No.

I will attempt to explain.

Any sort of site like this needs to be owned - Either by an individual or as some sort of company structure. These places DON'T exist out of the kindness of peoples hearts. What I can say is that a place like this should have financial benifits for its owner - afterall a lot of bloody effort goes in to a place like this. As ive explained elsewhere, this can be from direct donations, small 'Premium' Memberships, advertising, vendors sections etc. Dont think for a minute that a place can run by a community - It cant and wont happen. Greed is the enemy here. Someone will always want control. Infact, I think if you wait long enough, those who 'want control' over 4x4patrol.com will eventually either fail or succeed. either way, it will be owned/controlled by someone, that has their interests at heart, not yours.

2. I have offered the mods over at 4x4patrol similar positions here (specifically oldmav) - As moderators. If they decline and this place warrants having extra moderators then yes, I will appoint them based on who I think is responsible enough to keep this place going. Note, however that just like patrol4x4 they will be moderators, not owners, not co owners, not shareholders, not anything - other than moderators.

I can add that as long as this place remains viable - That is - I can make money from either donations, premium memberships, advertising, vendors etc then I will keep this place going. With 30000 members like patrol4x4 has got this should NOT be a problem. Should we get anywhere near that then this place will live on! I have said in earlier posts that I will give this place 24 odd months to build momentum while I absorb the costs - Either it takes off or it doesnt. If it doesnt, I have no qualms in people taking their own posts elsewhere.

I cant be any more fair, upfront or honest than that.


Well i've got 1 stubbie holderan just bought my 2nd hat.

I'd be happy to buy from this forum if it helped support the forum as well.

All we need is someone to design an market them like Sim did on the other forum.


Well i've got 1 stubbie holderan just bought my 2nd hat.

I'd be happy to buy from this forum if it helped support the forum as well.

All we need is someone to design an market them like Sim did on the other forum.

I think its early days yet - We only have 170 members, and lets be honest - most are from you know where (me inclusive) - If we hit a 1000 then I might start the wife on embroidery lessons :D

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