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The Big Rig

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Everything posted by The Big Rig

  1. I couldnt post last night
  2. Suspension stuff shocks seem to get a good report and Shane has just released a new shock as well
  3. I got 2 rhino racks on eBay for 100 pick them up sunday
  4. There all going to be 80 channel soon. Some of the 40 channel radio have free upgrades avaible to make it 80 anyhow
  5. Do your 35s scrub out with the 2 inch lift?
  6. Yeah we will
  7. Just start your own
  8. Welcome to the CRD club. I feel wrong taking number one position but don't think I can take 74 as its not up to there yet but one day soon it will be :-D #1 The Big Rig #2 99disco #3 heyhey
  9. I'm thinking the same when my bfg at runs out of tread
  10. Just like on patrol4x4 we have the crd club, 4.2club etc. I was going to start the thread in the gu section but I don't want you to think I'm just spamming
  11. Yeah mate kinda by the time i drove 8ks they were hanging of I could have cut them but I'm waiting to get my lift than I will put them back on
  12. I run 33s with no front mud flaps
  13. When you work it out can put some photos up and if I can ask how much you paid for the kit
  14. When the time comes I'll put my hand up to be a mod if you need someone to help out
  15. For Ray!!!!!! Lol just joking
  16. For sale section? Can we have clubs on this forum ie crd club, 4.2 club etc.
  17. I like the bottom one.....but the one on the page is sweet good work
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