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About 99disco

  • Birthday 05/08/1984

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    Bunbury WA

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Im really loving the new iPad for nav a swell as general use. Shane
  2. NO!!!!! Just stay off the forums altogether, that would be perfect. Shane
  3. I picked up an iPad today I'm messing around with it right now actually. I'll be mounting it on the dash directly above the cd player on the little shelf type thing in the guvi, will post pics once it's fitted. Shane
  4. Mate if you have iPhones and are happy with them jump at an iPad I've just ordered a new iPad 32gb with gps and next g. I went that way coz I too have an iPhone and can use I cloud for various apps. Not trying to push you that way but apple is an easy to use platform the can be made to suit what you want with the apps. Just my 2 cents worth anyway. Shane
  5. Yeh they seem funny things these crds eh. I've got a manual and recently towing my windup caravan from bunbury the long way to bremer and back averaged 17/100. But you often hear of people getting mid to high 20s towing. Will be very interesting to see how the 6ltr goes. How are you going with emission crap, being a fairly new truck. Shane
  6. G'day Russ, watching your conversion with interest. What are you towing with your bus mate, you must have got one of the ones built on Friday arvo that loves fuel. Shane
  7. Yeh I did have a look there thanks. Was just unsure of the weight. Shane
  8. Ok cool thanks hey hey Shane
  9. Nice truck mate done very well. Do you have any idea how heavy your rear bar ended up? I'd love to give one a go myself but concerned ill make it to heavy Shane
  10. I'd say us seeing these things on our roads is still a long way off yet. Shane
  11. My old mans discovery had a set on what he got it a couple of years ago. They have Been a great tire, good on sand and bush. And as good as any road tire on the black stuff. He would have done maybe 35k on them and they wouldn't be half warn so should be a good thing. Shane
  12. Ok mate I'll grab #2 07 platinum CRD from bunbury. Shane
  13. There are battery trays available for the diesel models that fit between the coolant bottle and the motor. I am running a ctek d250s mounted on the fire wall above the abs setup, tight but it fits. I went this way because I also run solar on the roof and the ctek handled both the solar and the dual battery management, can be had for about $250 on eBay. As far as batteries go at the moment I run a plain old deep cycle, it does the job well for the time being but when it dies I'll be fitting the biggest AGM I can fit. Shane
  14. Ok mate thanks for your help. I have only used the forum on tapatalk so far, so I'll jump on the computer and sort it Shane
  15. Ok will do thanks. Just seems its only this forum. Shane
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