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Everything posted by twodiffs

  1. Aussies are the same as us...kiwis can travel to Aust with a passport and no visa required - vice versa for you guys. If you're considering Christchurch as part of your NZ visit Glort then feel free to pm me...my wife & I will see you right for somewhere to stay. Can't guarantee it but will try to organise something 4wd as well.
  2. Friggin wish it was USD Jacket...it's gonna hurt when I pay Matt for my UFI kit!
  3. I'd like to know what Moiz thinks about this?
  4. Well that'll be 50% discount given the difference in exchange rates then eh?
  5. Hi guys. Can't believe i'm doing this...me ole mate Glort is gonna have a field day with this lol. Most of you will know my username, i'm a loyalist from the other forum but there seems to be an issue with posting and logging on etc....funningly enough Outers is down as well. Slim must know people in very high places . I'm in Christchurch NZ, chippy by trade but currently working in the red zone demolishing nearly every building still standing. Got a 1991 GQ Safari TD42, might catch up in the threads if Oldmav loses the battle to pull a rabbit out of a hat. Being an optimist...i'm positive of course.
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