Hey mate,
Yeh look to be honest it was mostly my fault for not doing my due diligence prior to buying and being too hasty to get a fourby. I bought it off an elderly couple in my current town, one owner, low kms (150,000 kms), hadn't done much off roading, bought in July and serviced in May 2023, really well kept and clean, had a test drive ect. Then drove it around town for a month (No more than 400 kms of ownership) and one day on way home from work the stock water temp dial shot up to hot and the check engine light went on.
Found coolant splattered all through the engine bay and took it to the local mechanic and was told the radiator was completely shot, got that replaced and it still wasn't holding pressure so took it to Toyota and they pulled it apart and found that the head had warped but not cracked, cylinder 1 had been gauged and a few other things wrong. Very much lesson learnt and suffering the consequences now but copping it on the chin. However, I am suspicious as I contacted the previous owners multiple times and received crickets back so I am sure they were aware of some issues that they weren't overly being forward about.
Anywho, thanks again for your feedback, that really does clear it all up and helps me greatly! I hope I have cleared up the series of events for you!!!