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  1. Thanks so much mate that is incredible information!
  2. Thanks for that handy tip! I was looking into the scangauge or even the code breaker that fulfils a similar need. They look great and cheap insurance to stop a problem getting bigger or worse. I've identified a few other things I would like to do down the track once the basic stuff is done, eg upgrade intercooler, airbox and hosing. Is it worth doing a ECU remap on a CRD? And what basic preventatory maintenance can I do weekly/monthly to keep everything in order?
  3. Hey mate, Yeh look to be honest it was mostly my fault for not doing my due diligence prior to buying and being too hasty to get a fourby. I bought it off an elderly couple in my current town, one owner, low kms (150,000 kms), hadn't done much off roading, bought in July and serviced in May 2023, really well kept and clean, had a test drive ect. Then drove it around town for a month (No more than 400 kms of ownership) and one day on way home from work the stock water temp dial shot up to hot and the check engine light went on. Found coolant splattered all through the engine bay and took it to the local mechanic and was told the radiator was completely shot, got that replaced and it still wasn't holding pressure so took it to Toyota and they pulled it apart and found that the head had warped but not cracked, cylinder 1 had been gauged and a few other things wrong. Very much lesson learnt and suffering the consequences now but copping it on the chin. However, I am suspicious as I contacted the previous owners multiple times and received crickets back so I am sure they were aware of some issues that they weren't overly being forward about. Anywho, thanks again for your feedback, that really does clear it all up and helps me greatly! I hope I have cleared up the series of events for you!!!
  4. Hi team, Have just joined as I am currently looking for a solution to my 2010 Nissan Patrol GU CRD. After buying it in July 2023, it lasted a month and the engine begun to fail. So it happens, there was extensive damage to the engine, requiring it to be rebuilt in Perth. I have replaced the radiator already with a brand new one. Just some background, it is the ZD30 engine in an auto CRD with 150,000 kms on it. It is full stock with no modifications at the current point in time. I mostly use it for towing my 5.2 ali boat, light off roading (mostly hard and some soft sand/corrugated roads) and touring around WA. I have read the above thread comments and looking at the NADS that are options once the engine is finished being rebuilt I. If anyone who has experience with this type of engine/set up and has any advice of precisely what needs to be done, I would be extremely grateful. My knowledge of cars/engines isn't extensive and I am a little confused on what exactly I need to do. My current understanding is to install the below mods to ensure the engine runs well (along with regular basic maintenance/servicing), if anyone can confirm my thoughts, that would be incredible! 1. Install EGR & Boost gauge 2. Install catch can & pre-fuel filter 3. Install tilix valve Thanks in advance, Davis
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