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  1. Thank you for your response. I am thinking of removing the additional cooling fan and of the issue reoccurs as it only started after its installation. Regarding the engine warmup, the earliest it has happened after driving 1 to 2 km after a cold start. If I recall correctly, the mechanic mentioned power cutting off the the ECU 4 times when he was diagnosing the car
  2. Hello all, I am facing an issue with my Patrol Y62 for the last few weeks. Not only is it frustrating but it is also dangerous as the shuts down completely while driving without warning. I will explain below. I took it to my mechanic but the only issue came on the OBD scanner was of a sensor for 4x4. This was replaced but the issue still exists. There is no mechanical issue with 4x4 as we tested it. When the car shuts off, the engine, battery, oil check lights, etc. come on like when starting the car (pic attached). Only things that run on battery power are on at the time. One time the car wouldnt start after shutting off, but did so after a while. Also, sometimes the traction control off light with turn on (pic attached). The car behaves wierdly after this as it either jerks on changing gears or does not change gears at all. Once the car is turned off and restarted, it runs normally until the issue comes at a random time. It could be unrelated but these issues came up after I got an additional fan installed to stop the car from overheating and got the fuel injectors amd throttle body cleaned. Thanks in advance.
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