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Everything posted by KMsMK

  1. Great looking trailer. I hope to get one when we finish the house.
  2. Welcome aboard jimbo
  3. Same here. Except we are trying to get a house built too.
  4. I don't really care it's great just to have other patrol owners around.
  5. Good to see another 80's patroler here.
  6. Nice wagon, just needs some mud on it
  7. Actually mq is before mk.
  8. Nice truck
  9. Hey, if he's allowed to have a gq I want an mk too...ha
  10. Only if your a Toyota fan...ha ha
  11. Great area, I haven't been to sundown but went to Giraween NP a couple of times. Beautiful
  12. Looks fantastic mate.
  13. I heard that the new CRD's cost an arm & leg to service.
  14. Welcome
  15. A bit too clean...ha ha
  16. I'm all for that. This forum will get there, it just takes time.
  17. Looks like you had fun in the patrol.
  18. Yeah, it's a bloody shame about the moderators of the other one.
  19. G'day all, like most here I am sick of nothing happening to fix the old forum. My truck is an MK Shorty. it isn't on the road yet but hopefully (if the Mrs's let's me) it will be on the road by the end of May. It's been a long road from cutting out rust to the bodgey paint job. oh well it's only a weekend bush truck. Ken Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
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