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Everything posted by KMsMK

  1. KMsMK

    UHF noob

    never had a UHF before so when I wired my new UHF up I thought it should start picking up something, anything, but it doesn't. I've heard you need get them tuned, but where do I go to get mine tuned? And what does tuning a UHF do? Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  2. the horn had a couple of problems 1) there wasn't any brass rod, so I cut a nail at the height and 2) the wire from the relay to the horn was stuffed, so I put a new one in. hey presto works a charm. One more thing to tick off the list. hoping to get it on the road by the end of this month. if the accountant let's me. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
  3. Wish you told me this earlier. I used the brush on sound deadener, mongrel to use & it gets everywhere. I'll remember for next time.
  4. It'd be good to see whether it does the trick long term. Good find
  5. Thanks for that , I was thinking of joining up.
  6. Gotta be happy with that
  7. You living here now or moved on?
  8. We have the queens birthday in oct this yr. we never had show holidays down nsw either.
  9. I saw lots of people today. Although I am a radiographer so it goes without saying. Oh sorry, did you mean other patrollers...lol.
  10. I moved from beautiful new England nsw, to hervey bay qld, and one of the things that I like is the long weekend this weekend. Woohoo, suck that nsw...ha ha ha
  11. No probs
  12. Hey Dave, will the classifieds be up on tapatalk?
  13. Thanks for that, will have a look on the weekend
  14. Laugh out loud
  15. Thanks, so as it describes, the NADS, stops it from going BOOM.
  16. I hear the water in Adelaide tastes funny? Ha ha
  17. Got that, thanks, just don't know what it is for? Sorry I asked the wrong question.
  18. I like the truck but paradise is down in Inverell nsw mate. I live at hervey bay & think it's too bloody hot here. Love the cold
  19. My blinkers stopped working the other week (don't worry the MK isn't registered yet) and I have been trying to figure it out, testing the different wires and such. Tonight I thought I'd check the hazard switch and what do you know it was buggered. Mq mad (p4x4) gave me one so plugged it in and presto, blinkers. Now to get the horn working.
  20. KMsMK


    welcome. any chance of viewing the ins & outs of the canopy?
  21. Damn it, Coils. I was going to be the first...But I could think of anything to write. Lets hope this section can be as good if not better than the other one. Welcome to the Dark side of the force.
  22. Nice flex mavtrol
  23. I think the dp chips are the best chip to have from what I have read about them and others. I think I will stick to my mk for now tho.
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