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Everything posted by Talou

  1. Hello @Rumcajs, Sorry to bring that back. I do have a ZD30 direct injection 2004 and would like to add a lift pump. If I understand correctly, you do it like this? Regards, Vincent;
  2. Thank you so much for your answer! Vincent;
  3. Hello Rumcajs, I got my Tilix and needles valve. I was planning of installing it without blocking the EGR valve. On what i understood, the EGR valve lower the combustion temperature when the catalyst converter get too warm. That sound like a good think to me and that is why i planned to keep it as design. I have the provent 200 and need to clean my intake. My Patrol 2004 zd30 have 230000km. Do you see a disadvantage of installing tillix without blocking the Egr? Regards, Vincent ;
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