i have 2007 zd30di patrol and am located in Malawi. I’m just wondering what NADS mods I should do with a series IV. The truck has 160,000km and I’ve just replaced the injector pump. I was planning to do the full NADs but additional read throughs have me questioning that. Being in Malawi I’ve got limited ability to sort out limp modes or other issues. I have all parts needed. My current plan is as follows:
1. EGT and boost gauges
2. Catch can
3. Cross Country intercooler (mine was leaking badly)
4. Lift pump
So my main questions are should I do the Dawes and needle valve install and should I blank my egr?
In a few months time I could possibly do an ecu remap (power curve mail in) if that would be a good option.
appreciate all the help