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Craig Holman

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About Craig Holman

  • Birthday 08/22/1973

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  • Location
    Werrington County

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  1. So is it still worth putting the daws system on the gu4 or just do the fuel lift pump and ecu remap. im also looking at putting an exhaust on it aswell. Also fitting the fuel lift pump will help the cooling and lubrication aswell or is that a seperate thing again?? Sorry about all these questions but i just want to know witch is the best way to go for my gu4 before i start buying bit and peices.
  2. Hi. Question Why do we need the electric fuel lift pump? and what would be the best one to get? and also would getting a chip do the same as getting the ecu remaped??
  3. Cool thanks for that. One more question. I have an egr shim ready to go in. Do i wait until i have my boost and egt gauges and put them in at the same time?? Ta Craig
  4. Hi, New here to this forum. I have a 2005 patrol and looking to fit the nads system to it. Does anyone have a copy of the pictures that are at the beginning of this thread that show the step by step procedure of installing this system and in what order i should start the process. Thanks in advance. Craig
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