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  1. G'day everyone! My dad has 3L 2000 patrol and were really stumped as to what's going on with it, it starts fine and runs good for 15-20 minutes and then starts conking out, he can have his foot flat on the accelerator and it will go but it jerks around and won't go over 20km,pretty much just dies if he takes his foot off but will chug along if he just keeps putting his foot down,he can pull over for 5 minutes and then it will run good again for 10-15 minutes and do the same,we've taken it to 3 mechanics and no one knows what it is,no codes show up and no engine lights come up,we've changed the fuel filter but it sort of seems like no fuel is getting through or something,could it be the injectors or fuel pump even though the engine light doesn't come on? Sorry I'm not very "car savvy" so I hope this makes sense,any suggestions welcomed!
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