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Everything posted by ricster

  1. ricster


    hahahaha... That's the spirit !! If there wasn't a little brand bantering around we would lead very boring lives !!
  2. I just found out something new..... well not new, but definitively new to me !!!! The VE pump has a fuel pressure regulator !!! I was under the impression that this was only on a common rail motor, but nope..... the TD42 pumps have 'em too. On the South African Patrol forum, there is a thread about similar issues, and although some of the comments are in Afrikaans ( one of our many official languages here ) It may be interesting to see these pics. Google translate doesn't really work too well with translating the Afrikaans into English, but basically the seal deteriorates and allows air into the system, and also messes with the fuel pressure, so making the lift pump basically hide the symptoms and not really solving the problem. There is some references to Youtube videos too. http://www.patrol4x4.co.za/viewtopic.php?f=44&t=5794&start=20#p66344
  3. Thanks !!! Well mine is definitively "Type 1", which looks like the simplest setup too. Would it be better to fit the lift pump between the tank and the filter or between the filter and IP. I presume the pump is strong enough to suck the fuel through the filter, giving the benefit of sucking filtered diesel instead of any possible tank gunk floating in the tank depths. My only concern this way is that as the filter over time blocks up ( I've never had one do that...... yet ) will the pump get damaged causing issues with worn out bits of lift pump getting into the clean diesel flowing into the IP
  4. Good question!!...... hahaha..... On the TD42's, it's at the back corner of the engine bay on the drivers side, between the brake booster and the fender.
  5. That is true. An EGT gauge should be a standard feature in ANY diesel from ALL motor manufacturers. It would save soooooooooo much heartache and frustration!!
  6. yeah... take them all forward and fit a little air filter on the ends or make a small minifold that connects all the breathers with a small filter on the other end of the manifold. A neat place to end the lines is next to the Glow plug relay
  7. "Just make sure the existing injectors spill line returns to fuel tank not the suction line on the injection pump (normally under negative pressure due to lift pump being a part of IP) otherwise you'll have issues. FRB22 is capable of delivering 8-11 psi positive pressure which is/should be perfect under large load/demand but check max pressure rating for the IP." I have been toying with the idea of fitting a lift pump for ages now, but time is my enemy and the Iron Maiden runs real sweet at the moment...... but when I get the itchy sensation and do do it, I like to look at the pictures more than reading how to do a lift pump install, especially the spill line return as quoted above. So Rumcajs..... get the camera out and help a brother out halfway across the world.....hahaha PS.... Please before the Rugby World Cup finals..... I don't want any animosity to creep in when we win ......hahaha
  8. That mesh filter you are talking about is "a nice to have but not really necessary" ( in my opinion ). The symptoms you are getting, to me sounds exactly as you say...... fuel starvation. Rectifying this problem can be done various ways. First way is to install an inline lift pump to suck the diesel from the fuel tank to the injector pump. The injector pumps on the TD42's is a low pressure pump and these pumps are usually turned up to almost max when a turbo is fitted. the injector pump then battles to suck enough diesel to the injector pump and you land up with starvation symptoms. You have also added an extra filter, which is going to make getting diesel to the injector pump even more difficult. This is where the inline lift pump will help fix this problem. The second way is to revert back to the standard diesel filter. I'm in South Africa, so I don't really know the quality of the diesel you are getting or using. The standard setup works very well. I have been to a few countries neighbouring South Africa and had to fill up with questionable fuel a few times, but before the next fill up after each "dodgy" fill, I open the "tap" on the bottom of the filter and drain out a few milliliters into a small bottle and check if there is any water in the diesel. The third way, and this may not necessarily be the fix, is to have the pump serviced. The pump may look nice and shiny new, but the internals may be worn and therefore you are not getting the suction to get the diesel to the injector pump. To sum up.... I'd just put the lift pump in, and leave the filters as is.
  9. While you are busy with wiring etc...... might as well fit an EGT gauge too.....hahaha I love work...... I can watch it all day !!!
  10. ricster


    Welcome..... now sell the Toy and get a real toy.......hahahaha..... just kidding, There are a good bunch of people here !!
  11. I have to agree with you there. The ZD30 motor is a "dangerous" motor, It delivers fantastic power vs fuel efficiency compared to the TD42, and we won't even mention the petrol guzzler TB42, TB45 and TB48. Would I want one......hmmmmm.... I use my TD42 Iron Maiden every day as my drive. I abuse it as I do mostly stop start trips that are usually very short in distance. My fuel consumption is sitting on about 16.5 - 17L/100Km. So yes I would happily buy a ZD30 Patrol.......BUT..... If buying one second hand, and I see a pyro gauge fitted ( we call them EGT gauges here in South Africa ) then I feel a little more confident that the previous owner knew about the ZD30 issues and was driving that motor "within is limits". If I see oil catch cans and the general NADS prevention goodies fitted, I would be quite confident that the previous owner looked after that motor and understood the implications of not listening to the gauges etc. Yes Nissan made a rooster up on the design of the ZD30 in Patrols, but there are a good lot of them still running around. generally the ones that do "grenade" don't have the preventative measures installed. If I had a new, or even a as "near as dammit is to swearing" new ZD30 Patrol, I would still do the NADS mods to it. What can be better than piece of mind when in the middle of nowhere !! Bad things generally travel fast and spread wide. I'm not defending Nissan, but it will take a minor miracle to get the general public and Patrol drivers world wide to change their views on that motor. When Nissan does something right, we rave about it. Take the TD42 motor, even though a donkey of a motor, they are regarded as virtually bullet proof, even the black top with aftermarket turbo (I say this tongue in cheek though, cause I'm talking more of an "altitude compensating" (0.5 bar) turbo conversion), so Nissan hit that motor for a six, then lost the plot completely and put a little 4 cylinder motor in its place.....
  12. Never give up brother !! Everything you mentioned make perfect sense. I'm sure you are not alone in your way of thinking!!
  13. hahaha... and here I thought we had it crappy in South Africa..... That actually sounds quite scary if they literally are taking away your freedom. So if someone sends you an e-mail that has some sexy woman strutting her stuff, they will also perv over it..... hahahaha.... unlimited porn for them to look at.... ( I better apologize seeing that everything is being recorded....)
  14. Welcome ... I'm sure you will enjoy it here with your Patrol !!
  15. "toy ?" hmmm.... yeah true .... no money left for any other toys when you play this game
  16. hahaha.... the difference between the men and the boys are the price of their toys......hahahaha Welcome to the forum!!!
  17. I will hunt around for some photos of what I did with mine. I have a bash plate fitted to the Iron Maidens underbelly to offer a bit of protection. With this plate on, the standard Nissan recovery hook didn't fit, so I had 2 new recovery points made up by one of the Forum members of the South African Patrol Forum. The drivers side fits no problem as there is thread for the 3 bolts to fasten up against. The passenger side is a slightly different problem as there are three hols but no thread. To get the recovery hook to work there you need rivnuts to fit this recovery point. BUT ...... this recovery point is NOT for doing the recovery, but to fix the lanyard to. Don't get me wrong, its very strong, but my brain says it isn't as strong as the drivers side one. I believe for a straight recovery it will be fine but if at an angle, I am not as confident. I also don't believe in welding it to the chassis either as this opens up a whole new can of worms. Have a read on the South African site. It is quite a long read on various recovery points, but you will see exactly what it looks like and how its fitted. Mine have done a few recoveries and are still as strong as a 4.2 turbo diesel Patrol....hahaha..... Read from page 8 for how to fit them ( there are some replies in Afrikaans, one of the other South African official languages, but the English posts will tell you all the info needed ) http://www.patrol4x4.co.za/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=3240&hilit=rivnuts&start=40#p38089 hahahaha.... we may be on the other side of the world..... but we are quite sharp.....hahaha
  18. Thanks !!!... Learn something new every day !!
  19. 3500 rpm should be easily achieved, 3500 to 4000 a little more difficult, as you are now coming out of the power bands. I think a little more boost, and possibly a slight timing adjustment ( possibly to advance timing ) will get you the performance you should have. Are you still running the TD42 off of the ZD30 gearbox? I'm not too clued up on the gearbox side but maybe that is playing a roll.... hopefully someone can clarify ...... Oh .... by the way a little black smoke under load is not anything to stress over, just ensure that your EGT temps are not going too high. The probe on mine is fitted pre turbo and my EGT gauge ( Pyro ) alarm is set for max 640 deg C. For me that is enough power relative to the safety of my motor
  20. Puff of white smoke on startup or on pull away from a traffic light is usually valve stem seals that are worn out. This is quite an easy thing to replace oneself. Mine is boosting at about 0.7 bar ( 10 psi ), but the fuelling is set more for a 0.8 - 0.85 bar ( 12 - 13 psi ) boost..... I've just been too lazy to fiddle with the boost. So when I do a fast pull away, I drown the little dinky cars in a wonderful cloud of black ( grey) smoke. until I hit max boost then the smoke is a lot less. If I sit at 100km/h and want to accelerate to 120km/h without gearing down and I put my foot flat, I again get a bellowing of smoke till my boost is up to max, then when I ease up on the accelerator peddle the smoke disappears too. At night it looks a lot more intimidating than during the day. I wouldn't stress too much. Crank the boost up a fraction and see if it makes a difference
  21. ahhhhhh.... smart choice.... I love the smell of diesel in the morning......hahaha
  22. Hmmmmmm..... at 4500 rpm its going to sound like not only the the valves are trying to climb out of the engine!!! These motors are not really made to be wound up to the max revs, but...... and in my opinion at 12psi boost, you won't get much more out of that motor after 4000 rpm. Your torque and Kw curve is going to drop fairly quick at around that rpm. Mine with 240 odd thousand Km on will climb to 4000rpm, but i get better performance if I change gears at 3600 -3700 rpm. My peak torque and Kw happens at about 3200 rpm, so I play in that zone. What colour smoke are you bellowing out the exhaust under full load? If white smoke at high rpm ..... you have some serious oil issues that need to be sorted out If black smoke at high rpm...... then you might either need to turn back the fueling ( depending on your EGT temps ) or get more air in there ( up the boost slightly )
  23. And ...... what happened next??
  24. Aaaaahhh, I understand now....... thank goodness for Google when one is on the other side of the world......hahahahaha How does one get onto Kangaroo Island? By ferry from Cape Jervis ?
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