Well done mate. Welcome to healthy living!
I have spent the past 15 yrs, since graduating Uni with a human science degree working with people in your situation.
My role is to educate and motivate them on successful weightless for life, not just short term results.
Juicing your fruit and veg is great way to increase your vitamin and mineral intake, however, may I suggest you still eat some of the foods some days. Some import nutrients are lost in the juicing process.
Also, now you are full of energy with all those awesome nutrients, I would suggest you consider exercise your next step. Start with simple movements such as push ups, squats and pull ups (use a fence or bar at waist height to ly under as a modified chin up). Aim to do the most you can in one go, 3 times a day 3 days a week. Try to increase each week by just 1 rep each week.
Assuming you eat a balanced diet, with plenty of quality protein and moderate levels of unrefined carbohydrates, you will lose lots of weight.
Exercise is important to increase your metabolic rate. Think of your muscles as an engine. Small muscle mass is like a little Toyota yaris, it doesn't use much fuel but if you keep filling it with more than it needs it will overflow (store the fat). If you increase your muscle mass it's like putting a DURAMAX in Your patrol, it will use more feel and require cause its a bigger motor !!
Feel free to shoot me some questions. I look forward to hearing more from you as you progress.
Keep up the good work.
Sent from my iPhone using the hunt and peck method of typing!