Agree with you on the brushfire front.. Why Vic councils don't do burn offs every 5 years is shocking..
After a good burn off everything comes back green and thus reducing risk further..
I truly feel sorry for all the ppl who have gone threw the last 3 years and lost everything. But I think it should be mandatory when buying a house that you have insurance coverage..
I can't imagine being uninsured..
I know SA is very fortunate to have some many good parts and plenty of beach to travel on but we in the south east nearly lost some of that privilege with the introduction of the marine parks...
But we still have plenty of desert tracks
I loved my childhood on the farm.. To me it is a lifestyle.. I have full intensional on moving back there to with my new family. Once you've had the space to play, nothing can compete with that.
It is a life style for sure.. For 10/12 months your flogging yourself pulling the days (biggest I've done is 72hrs straight) but loved it.. Those other 2 months your keeping gillard happy with f-ing paperwork....
Thanks for that info..
I honestly didn't think the forward facing snorkel added any bennifit to the 'forced air' or 'ram pressure' as some call it..
My only intensions were to get some good cleaner air and bypass the pre cleaner.. I hope I can open up the system a little and allow the engine to breathe a little.. It's getting on in age and is getting a little tired so I think any help it gets is a bonus..
And good thinking twisty.. Couldnt agree more.. I may have a design you may like...
I'm getting giddy.. Hopefully I can start tonight...