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Everything posted by BigGQWesty

  1. So had a productive weekend. I finished (for now) my winch bar and installed. It's made from 12mm plate on the sides with incorporated recovery points, 4mm guts and bash plate. 3mm check plate on the wings. 60mm wing tube and 50mm brace. And is now home to the 11xp. Enjoy
  2. Yea bugga.. Maybe a kink in the line threw the fire wall?
  3. I think of it necessity as were planning more solo trips and exploring. Slider side steps are also being built but probably after Christmas. Also I have a lra sub tank. Just need to install it. Lol. And fix rust. And finish windows and tint. And fit tower braces. The list keeps growing
  4. The apps are now up and running well. It's much easier using the app as it takes location at that time. And is easily uploaded when on wifi. If you have any issues or changes give Andy. He's very approachable
  5. So tax man was kind this year. So hopefully before Christmas I'll be bolting on an runway 11xp winch. Unsure yet if I'll make a cradle or full bar. Probably cradle to start with
  6. So a bump for this app. It's taken off and now with some work it's coming together well. So check it out
  7. I have ready some don't. So I'd pull the carpet or vinyl up and check for the bolt holes.
  8. Welcome dinger. So whats the rig?
  9. I would have thought bugger all.. If you getting oil flowing out then that's not good. A bit of vapour is fine.
  10. Welcome mate. Sounds like a nice setup so definitely throw some pics up. And good move on the nads. Research it and its quite a simple install but I'd suggest a dyno to tune. Jump in and enjoy
  11. Yea I'd contact bilsteins head office and see if they can give a heads up on a supplier. If you find a supplier then they should be able to get the full range. May cost a little extra unless you wait for the restock.
  12. While your under the bus give the uni joints a few pumps of grease. You could be looking at a pre failure joint noise. Grease will pack it for a short time so if the noise goes but comes back in a few kilometres then I'd be investigating further
  13. Very nice. Very nice. So I'm guessing you rate them?
  14. Welcome mate. Your right, never enough mods ;-) Enjoy the forum.
  15. So it turns out that the bloody amp unit has been my issue the while dam time. I've removed it and all but the drivers window work. Ffs lol So sourced a new unit from a mate for $50 so that's a lot better than $200
  16. Well after a 2 am start and 11am finish on friday I stripped the interior out to fit the keyless locking. Kit was a steel mate 4 door kit, and I ordered a second master for the passengers door, the 4th actuator will be fitted to the barn door. So it was a good fit out. Fun sussing out the best location for the actuators, but the best spot was in the original location. Ran wires threw loom covers etc and all wrapped in the door.. Was happy with the finish, and it actually works lol.. I also think I have found my window issue. The amp unit is fubar'd..
  17. I also have a keyless entry system to go in to lol
  18. Yea and 8 goes in the gq but if fuel efficiency is a key thing the your better off with the tb42... The Cummins engine is a anchor, so although you get a nice power increase your weight goes threw the roof.. Imo if your set on deisel pit the 10g into the turn key conversion and walk away a happy man with a unbreakable unit..
  19. Na mate. Still here. Just been dealing with some work issues the last few months..
  20. So it sounds like your having fun lol..
  21. So let's bat for the gq's.. Had a bit of quiet time on the old girl... Not much done as such but have picked up a lra sub tank, so plan is to fit the before Christmas. I have fitted 33's though.. Went maxis bravo 980's in a 33x10.5x15.. Not many do this size, but didn't want to go a 12.5 due to mostly doing highway k's and didn't need new rims Anyway, it's a never ending list lol
  22. Last month did a family mud run threw hot spur national park in Victoria.. Awesome day...
  23. Welcome holdso.. Lots of info here although it is quiet.. Jump in and enjoy
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