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  1. Thanks heaps mate, more info to add to my research, i'm gunna do mine in the next week or so, will let u all know how it goes. Again thanks Silver
  2. Fitted a heat exchanger, 99.9% happy, still have a bit of surging going on from the in flow hose, anyone ????, ill throw a few pics up later. Cheers Silver.
  3. Thanks for the input Ray, not quite what i was after but thanks again....!!!!!!!!
  4. Brettly, good job mate, i'm in the process of doing the same thing and i to have the fuel manager to install, i have a couple of questions which u maybe able to answer for me. 1. Did u plumb urs in before or after the genuine filter ?? i ask as i have the system without the sensor, and the provider advised me to plumb it in after the gen filter, as the gen filter has the sensor built in, makes sense to me, ur thoughts. 2. Is the large fuel hose of the gen filter the hose to the pump, i havent had a good look yet, but my research tells me this is the case ????? 3. Have u had any dramas during the install and once u fired ur truck up ????? Thanks in advance Silver.
  5. silver


    Hey all, Silver is the name, i own a Plat Silver 2011 CRD with a few mods, i'm also from next door. Live in NSW, have a family and love my 4WD and camping. Look forward to sharing the knowledge. Cheers Silver.
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