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  1. For us a gr8t camper, hasn't failed us yet. Todate will go anywhere the Patrol can pull it. The suspension is very impressive, just eats up the corrugations. Plenty of storage that actually belies the size of the camper. Pack ups in mud and rain are fast, big benefit being no wet canvas touches a ready made-up bed.
  2. Driving a 2009 GU wagon with (too) many mods ..... when is enough, enough? Enjoy our 4wd touring and currently pulling a Tvan. Retired so lucky enough to have the time to get out and about. The next longer trip commences May '15- Gunbarrel, Sandy Blight, Gary Junction, Finke Gorge, Plenty H'way eventually to Cairns, Bloomfield, Cooktown and the Tip. Rod.
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