This is our Customline camper 12" tent & awning
I have added a larger alloy tool box & put the pole holders under it. In the tool box is a spare battery just incase the battery on the side runs out on long stays. We have 2 gas bottle holder & a jerry can holder
Kitchen with drawers & an extension for the bench.
Also added a 80l water tank with electric pump to tap at the sink & a hand pump on the outside for cleaning after pack up.
Also i have run LED lights to the inside of the camper & made up 3 that attach to the spreader bars of the awning with a remote control/dimmer for that wank factor.
The rig & camper
the full set up
Kitchen setup
no walls for short stays
Yes mate aerial matched for gme unit, sorry forgot to mention it happens more when we were spread out they others had to relay what we said to the front car.
So what is a good brand antenna as the fiberglass one I have receives well but is very poor on transmitting had a lot of trouble up the cape last year with 4 trucks
Here a couple of shots I took was a great day nice one Old Mate, have more they are of Luke's 80 series nearly going over i didn't think you wanted them up here.
Sorry guys it's a 2003 so it would be DI engine brought of an old bloke that only used it twice a year to tow his caravan. Have been watching the boost gauge & haven't seen any spikes in boost only gets up to 16psi & would like it to stay that way. I have a beaudesert exhaust & a steinbauer chip if that makes a difference.
Nice write up, but one question can I put the egr blocking plate on before I do the dawes valve, I have boast & pyro gauges, also have catch can. Need to order Dawes valve & boast control & hoses but would really would like to block egr off first.