So your turbo is leaking oil or your bearings have worn out? Checking that your turbo is not being over or under supplied is easy. The way we do it where i work is : Make sure oil level in sump is good. One person in car with stop watch and another under the hood. Remove oil feed line to turbo and any fittings in top of turbo fit back to oil feed line. You need to catch the oil in a measuring jug. Start the engine run at idle and when the oil comes out the line start timing 15 secs. Shut engine off, running turbo for 15secs at idle is not a problem but if you have to repeat test use oil can to pump some oil into oil feed. You then times the amount of oil caught by 4 to get your litres per minute (LPM). For ball bearing turbos you need 1.5-1.8 LPM and plain bearing turbos 1.8-2.0 LPM. These figures we have used for years and will ensure your turbo is not over or under suppiled. If your LPM is not enough then you may have to increase oil feed line size or pick oil supply closer to oil pump usually oil pressure sensor is the best spot to tee into. People always ask what size restrictor to use in the oil supply line but it's not that simple as (turbo A requires restrictor C) . Because you can have 2 engines of the same model lets say TD42's both running Garrett GT2860rs turbos but if 1 engine has i slightly worn oil pump then the oil line/ restrictor will be different. Thats why you need to check "your" engines oil flow. Hope this helps save a turbo
Cheers MiniMackGQ