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About oilrig6

  • Birthday 08/26/1974

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    Manila Philippines - world wide operations
  • Interests
    Flying helicopters, family, road trips country to country and Nissan Patrols Y61 and above.

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  1. US amry has gone green on its all new state of art 4wd. Mainly for stealth reason in cqb operations. If we dont try we dont get anywhere and im looking forward to what this brings. All our equipment is going electric were as it use to be hydraulic. Instead spending hours plug in test gauges its now one plug and all the data is on one screen. Really alot has to do how much we can accept change and the problem is with the human race is we dont like it. But for me I can see the plus side. Less mechanical parts, clean working enviroment, a reduction of health care insurrance claims due to oil and mechanical based accidents and infections, remote operations, reduce operating costs, reduced inport and export on parts, traceabilty, mass production with less faults and thats just a few. These cars will last and they will continue to RD them to point were petrol and diesel drivers will be the odd ones. Maybe for older genration they are to long in the tooth to understand that we need this kind of transport. If read most major automakers long term plans for next ten years everything is electric. So for me to remain in position that I can add value to company I will have to start and soak up this new tech. It bad enough when we first started going electric over hydraulics but now with it been all electric i can really see a very intresting future for a changing world. There is no future in veg oil glort its just somthing that will never happen. You not seeing were we need to be heading and slopping around with veg oil in 2040 is not somthing i would like to be doing and sure most of the world would agree. We want somthing thats clean, easy to recharge with very little onwer input. I just hope the youth of today see the big picture. Veg oil and use in any form of transport is just so out of date. Its smelly and best left for peopke who find working a multi meter a complex task. I shall compare the new electric cars to very first mobile phone that had a car battery bolted to its back so you could make a ten min phone call. Yes it was trendy and people wanted in and now everyone has a phone around the size of atm card and thk of 10mm. This will be pretty much I see how the electric car will work its way into our lives. Thanks to nissan we are getting there just a little quicker.
  2. Sorry for the late reply. Its still open and will be to 3rd of June. 28 as looking for mature person who can not only handle the roll but also somone who is looking for a long term move. I dont have a issue with the age at all and its open to male and female.
  3. True that would be along way if you don't have the obc to test each inj. You don't bench test inj anymore they tested in the engine on crds. Not sure if they have upgraded the inj on patrol engine I can only see ecu upgrades .
  4. As you know I work for oil company. I have post open for mechanic aged from 28 to 40 yrs of age. Must hold europe, UK or AUS passpport. 8 weeks on 4 weeks off. This urgent post to be based in Africa. Lots of flying around country to country and long hours but I make sure who ever applies and get the job is well looked after. I will not go into to much detail but if you know someone who has proven track record with trucks and electrics 12 and 24V I like you to email me there details or yours. The post has to filled asap and the person has to be on location by the end of the month. This is a long term position in international oil service company. If you drive a toyota LC please don't apply I will have nothing to discuss with you on the interview. My blackberry email is oilrig6 at gmail.com
  5. Nissan have gone and done a new colour upgrade on the Y62. You now order it in same green as like the wrc ford BP focus rally car. In simple words "lime green" and it looks bloody awesome. But they should do alloys in gloss black but in middle east that be matt black due to sand. I guess that's why they left them in the silver grey paint.
  6. Wow I just found the lite verson of this site so now on my phone as I type I can see words so excuse the mistakes above and letters missing. I know what you mean about getting them out and damage to head. On a C7 I did I had to use a full length jimy bar as one hadn't been pre lube and it was in so tight. What I whanted to add was that if you fit the inj and then record the serial number to cylinder nissan will do the trim and the cyl bank test. If you have the pre heat they can also ajust the rpm from 1250 to what ever input RPM you need for the winch. With crd people also need to know that eng oil is also a lube for inj internals and so I feel that if the EGR is not blocked people should consider a 5K oil change. If see on some new 2012 CRD on 12 cyl they now have oil coolers just for injectors. Not that the patrol would need it but in last 6 years the crd engine has taken on leaps of fine ajustments. The best way to check if a crd has a bad injector is unplug one by one and see if it dips and ecu pumps more fuel to remain 3. The final check is unplug all leaving only one cyl running. This should be done for all 4 cyl in any order. A good well running crd engine should not smoke and maintain constant level rpm. With or with out the trim file.
  7. You change the crd inj they just run on default. Each injector has a cd with a trim file. We upload the trim to each injector by file number. CRD inj fail for several reason mainly poor fuel. If change the injector you have to dump the coolant and engine oil as they lubed by engine oil and cooled by coolant. That's why some CRD's are hard to start as they boil the fuel. You don't have to dump it but you nned to make sure no oil or coolant goes into cyl. You need to by a snap on tool it looks like a small jimy bar. These are for pulling out the injectors. Its best to let nissan do as they can shut down each inj and run up the engine on one cylinder. All CRDs are built to limp home on one cylinder if need be.
  8. Decided to paint the 60th edition while its in for service with nissan. I'm going to go olive drab green or matt green as black it just a nightmare to maintain. How do a get a hard coat finish on matt green but no shine. I ask as I like to have some understanding before going face to face with the painter. Is matt cheaper to paint then 2pack paints. Or do I wash over the black with black but maybe apply 4 to 7 coats of paint. As of now the paint used is water based and its so thin just a rub and it marks and goes dull. I could only get the 60th edition in black on 4.8.
  9. Well it shouldn't be a numbers game. But I feel that Patrol4x4 has had its day. If They should close the site and divert the traffic to here and as hard as it is unless the onwer can sort it out why should anyone bother. P4X4 has net worth of 43,000 dollars but I don't see how they value the site at that price.
  10. Well made the move at last. I like the layout and works well on Blackberry.
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