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Everything posted by Fathom

  1. Started on a rear bar.. Well more precisely I became chief beer getter and lackey while someone else started on it.
  2. Yours is a red truck Olly, so it would by default already go faster even without your new inter cooler... But having an inter cooler the size of a small house means you will now be able to tow me up the range!
  3. In two weeks it will get a good test! :D
  4. What a coincidence! So did I! :D
  5. He is going to get some dirt on it this weekend! Bron! get me some dirt!
  6. Seeing as you are aware of just how handy and mechanically minded I am... Or am not... The bigger question is.. Do you really want my help????? Level is a perception thing...
  7. Soft... You have gone soft... Need a cup of concrete? No need for a flash camper when you can just pick up some branches and sticks, peel a liitle bark and make a humpy... Much better for the enviroment and save you fuel with no towing.
  8. One of the dogs helped me clean my awning
  9. Sandy Cape, Fraser Island.
  10. Bribie island last weekend.
  11. Replaced crank battery, replaced auxiliary battery with some deep cycle glass thingy.... I broke an upper tail light up at the Glasshouse a couple of weeks ago... So replaced both with working lights.
  12. I just went to Bunnings and got a little screw driver kit that had an assortment of those torx bits. The ratchet driver and about 30 different drivers was from memory about ten bucks.
  13. Hope it stays dry for you. I will be home cleaning up the yard.. But dont you worry about that.. You have fun!
  14. http://www.bitoffun.com/video_vault/boat-launch-fun.htm
  15. I... ( by me, I mean my mechanic, cause I have no mechanical aptitude.. ) Put in an Exedy Sports tuff SMF clutch conversion Replaced fan belt pulley tensioner (for the third time - bit dirty about that) Replaced upper front rubber spring mounts Replaced rear main seal Got a service Now anyone wanna buy my first born so I can pay for it?? :D
  16. I ended up going with an Exedy sports tuff SMF conversion, the mechanic dropped the truck back home last night, so have not had a chance to drive it yet. He says if you didnt know, you could tell the difference.. But wont be able to tell that properly till I get a chance to drive it. Might take it for a run along Bribie island on Saturday morning to see what I think.
  17. You mean that people win stuff? In other words... I have never won a thing.
  18. Oh I just realised you managed to get a pic of my camper in there too!
  19. You forgot to mention the nibbles table!
  20. What a bunch of dicks....
  21. Glad you are happy with yours CammoSS, I will call my mechanic today, may as well just bite the bullet and get it done, These after market clutches seem to claim a lot more clamping power, so hopefully it will be all good...
  22. I will just follow your line For some reason, even though I was reading Big Red, i was thinking Beer O clock hill...
  23. Not sure I could eat all that, but I would love to try!
  24. I am gonna have to do that next visit.. No excuses...
  25. Yeah I suspect I will end up going solid. DM seems to be way overpriced..
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