There is fuel about every 2-300klm. That sounds close but you will need to consider where you are going...
The main exception would be the Starke track... Cape Melville etc
But otherwise easy to access.
Supplies the same. Just you pay more for food and fuel... Bit like Fraser Island prices...
It's pretty well posted, a combination of paper, a good gps and paying attention to where you are and you can't go wrong... Navigation wise.
Hmm I will tell you the truth about crossing the Jardine...
We drove to the crossing.. South side... Looked at it, decided as a group to take the ferry... I reversed in to take a smart Alec shot to say my wheels have been in the Jardine.. The water is flowing... By the time we took a couple of pics.. My back axle was buried like a submarine... One of my mates gave me a quick snatch out...
When we looked at the north side of the crossing, it's weedy, dark and murky.. Not like the south side.. I am glad I lost the vote to and not cross it...
No way would you see a croc in there...
One bloke did try just after we left. We met up with him again that night .. He was still dripping wet.. Didn't make it, but we heard of plenty that did... I stress.. Heard.. Not saw....