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Everything posted by Foo

  1. Back at ya and not going anywhere. Sort of glad seeing as it is bucketing down and it is going to keep going over the wekend. Foo
  2. 9 times out of 10 it will happen when you go bigger tyres, I've never had the problem with the wobbles but those that I speak to that have gone 285+ have all reported some wobbles. Foo
  3. Well it had to be started by someone. Hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas. Foo
  4. I use booth, just depends on what I'm at or doing. Foo
  5. Had tears rolling down my face watching this and my daughter thought I was having a coughing fit. Foo
  6. Have a safe and happy New Year one and all and leave your troubles behind at midnight. Foo
  7. That's a good enough indication for me then! Foo
  8. Ok, dumb question! Is there any poles/legs to go under the over hand or it rigid enough? Foo
  9. Foo
  10. I remember when my daughter was about twelve months old and getting her out of bed one morning when we were in our on site van for a weekend. Picked her up and thought, that smell is gross and found she had all but filled her jump suite legs with shite. Foo
  11. Gave it some new shoes......KL71s Foo
  12. Put a set of KL71s on. Foo
  13. There's an old saying Glort.....Make hay while the sun shines! Foo
  14. Some of the childish bickering that goes on with some of the posters, does deter others from visiting. I visit when I get home at the end of the week but don't post if I don't have anything to comment on or say! Foo
  15. That way you can blame someone else for any stuff ups. Foo
  16. Sundown NP Foo
  17. Unless there is some nasty personal attacks, who really gives a stuff, what he or anyone else posts?????? You don't like what the topic is, don't read it anymore people, just grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Foo
  18. Ok, thanks Ray! Foo
  19. Looking for some feed back on these! I think you got them put on Ray didn't you? Foo
  20. Not all can be linked into the fat and lazy label! My wife played net ball four nights a week and two games a night and couldn't lose weight! She was diagnoised as having a low metabolism and no matter what she did and how little she ate, she couldn't drop the weight. She has now had 85% of here stomach removed and a sheath put in, to try and get the weight off because the future was not good for any longevity, so don't lump all people into the same basket, as there are many that can't help it! Foo
  21. Half your luck, have a good one! Foo
  22. :D That's good!
  23. Just picked up a 80cm tv/cd combo for $249 and what a great picture! Foo
  24. When my wife and I were doing t-shirts with our business we could land a heat press $800 less than buying here in Aus and the same with mug presses. Foo
  25. All Pollies are just puppets and hypocryts! They're only there for their own benifit!!!!!!!!!! They only ever answer too the party line... So much for having a brain and thinking for yourself. Foo
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