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Everything posted by twisty

  1. our planet doesn't need saving ... it's the humans that are in danger!
  2. yup, same. especially since I bypassed the stupid plastic radiator. I've read where, in Canada for example, bypassing the rad to aftermarket cooler prevented the TC lock engaging at all. They also mention different engagement times between summer and winter, regardless of cooling. I don't notice it that much because I don't think I care that much. My TC locks in every gear when above about 2200rpm (4.5l & Wholesale Extreme). Of course there is an optimum operating temp that would be about the same as the engine as they share the cooling system. Ray, how much do you use the manual TC lock and under what conditions? Do you also drive through the brakes in 4low with TC locked? I'm debating if it's worth having a manual TC lock.
  3. Friday on My Mind - The Easybeats
  4. Well, twisty, you're an idiot. Have a look in the Communication Equipment section. ya goose!
  5. I'd also like to know more about long distance communication. Perhaps someone in the know, or with experience, could start a "Communications" thread. I Know Nothiiiiing - Shultz
  6. high on a mountain top - rainbow
  7. Have you seen the ultratune ad ? ... pulling the sedan out of the lake using the towball ... oh dear.
  8. Are you lonesome tonight - Elvis
  9. Population is the only problem. Exterminate the humans, the planet will be just fine.
  10. bwaaa ... hahahahaha. If it isn't perfect, it isn't right? From the author of a skeptics handbook! C'mon Ray, bit more effort please
  11. Oh Ray, a blog quoting a tabloid, with a bit of spin (Warnie would be proud). I had to gather my thoughts on this one (a big job with so little to work with), hence the late reply. The quote below is from the research article at nature.com. I can understand denial. Doesn't make it right though. How about this at the ABC? The research is here. Yup, we did it. And, as for GE, they're just trying to make some money, that's all.
  12. Hey Tonight - Creedence Clearwater Revival
  13. Sorry Brett, I still don't get it. The pipe balances what? What problem/s did snorkel fitment cause that balancing is needed? Would you elaborate please.
  14. I think you want to" Cheap mod. Don't think GU tail lights will fit a GQ though. Ebay is the go.
  15. Ive never heard anyone mention a "balance tube" for a snorkel before. I've seen questions asked about differences for lpg snorkels but answers have always been "no change required". Why would you? I can't imagine what modifications would need to be made to any snorkel, for any fuel, regardless of inlet direction. Anyone else?
  16. Hard Headed Woman - Elvis
  17. Tarot Woman - Rainbow
  18. Not enough room. Pretty Fly (for a white Guy) - The Offspring
  19. Saw this on another forum and thought it worth a post here. http://www.lorellasprings.com.au/rhettsaccident.htm
  20. hhmmm ... been on my mind as well. you might find this interesting. How to build rock sliders
  21. Thanks Ray. Close, but no GPS
  22. Tadpole Blues - Peter Combe
  23. twisty


    I suspect you mean live catlle exports. Another Australian product with no value added. When will we learn?
  24. Yeah ... a poor choice of words by me. I see the benefits and intend installing a system as well. My concern is an increasing dumbing down of consumers via technology. Agree about servo guages. Thats why I have my own and recheck pressures. Should we discuss the 4psi rule?
  25. Same access and rules as NSW Ray. Stick to the tracks, 60kph limit, and no hooning. Easy. Although, it is a pretty boring area, except for the crossing.
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