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Everything posted by twisty

  1. G'day Dave, welcome to the forum! A 4Runner huh ... I know a bloke who has one of those. Been into the brindies with him a few times. But he wasn't that good a driver. Maybe you know him :-)
  2. I take photos with my phone only when I don't need high definition (or I don't care that much). Pics of fire pump id plate, tractor tyre size and the like. For keepers I use my little digital (don't remember the brand) which I particularly like for panorama pics (one image not 3 stiched together). I'm not keen enough to go for an SLR. What's a p&s? Point n shoot I'm guessing.
  3. G'day Glort, I've done nothing about electrical generation. I've been busy fencing and cursing the weather. I'm just doing a steel cleanup and have a few old washing machines to get rid of. Time to get the motors out. Thanks for the reminder.
  4. Yeah ... nissan seat belts are a concern. Mine suck as well. Replacement is the best option. Check this mob out.
  5. I was taught to solder in the military. 1. Correct temp. Test temp by wiping soldering tip on a damp cloth (this also cleans it). You should hear water evaporating (sizzle) but not burn the cloth. Then "tin" the iron tip. Solder should melt on the tip within 2 seconds and appear "shiney". Tin component leads. 2. Position components and create a "heat bridge" between them. Do this by touching the iron tip to both components surfaces. When you see the component surfaces go "shiney" apply solder on the heat bridge. Remove solder then the iron tip from the soldered surface. Finished joint should be smooth with no excess solder. Repeat step 1 before next joint. 3. Practice makes perfect. Hope this helps.
  6. Glort, you're not the only one having trouble finding good workers. I have family and friends with their own businesses, some for 20+ years, and finding good employees is their biggest hurdle. Best of luck to ya.
  7. I've been considering an SSD for storage when camping but hadn't considered the advantage in my desktop. Thanks guys.
  8. 2008, old news. The turbines are still there and the birds have been practicing evasive flying techniques. Junk Science?
  9. Keep at it BigGQ. I'm cheering for ya!
  10. We've had a few -6c mornings, but, like Ray, too much rain for it to be cold atm. No snow on the Brindabella mountains yet either.
  11. Shameless copy n paste from Wikipedia ... The states originated as separate British colonies prior to Federation (in 1901) ... The territories, by contrast, are from a constitutional perspective directly subject to the Commonwealth government. The Australian Parliament has powers to legislate in the territories that it does not possess in the states ... For the purposes of Australian intergovernmental bodies, the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory are treated as states. Yeah ... it does make a lot of sence. It's been an idea for a while but is quickly shouted down. I've a good friend on the local council here and he's been at it for almost 30 years (as well as farming). He would like to see the states gone as well, but doubts they ever will. Pollies give up power ... you're kidding. They've (North Queensland) wanted that since the mighty Jo was in charge. Rolling electricity blackout ... ahh, memories.
  12. I notice you process up to 1000l at a time and that would last me 3-4 months. How long can veg oil be kept Glort?
  13. I think I've read this thread before somewhere ... dejavu ... "It's happened before and will happen again" - Starbuck
  14. The hydro system is dead in the water! After a bit of research I've discovered that achieving even 100watts from a micro/nano hydro system with my configuration is almost impossible. The problems are, not enough water and not enough head. A 7 metre head gives 10psi and is the maximum I could achieve. The chart below for a nano hydro system tells the story ... Our power supply is very reliable. I've been interested in power generation and storage since I was a little bugga. Problem is I'm also easily distracted and projects get put aside. I'm just playing with ideas and, perhaps one day, I'll dig the solar hws out and hook it up as well. Glort, I like the veg oil engine and will do a bit more research. I could run the tractor on it as well (save a grand or two a year). Thanks for the input.
  15. Thanks Glort. You're a treasure. Yeah ... there's a gazillion ways of generating electricity. Storing it is the trick. Feedback is a form of storage but if the grid goes down, well. Batteries are okay but I'm wary after spending a long time in "battery rooms" servicing the bastards, so, not high on my wish list. I do have a small solar/battery setup for the hot house watering system and that works just fine with batteries that no longer start vehicles. Methane is a good idea except, we're beef cattle farmers so collection is a pain in the bum. A wood gasifier sounds like a lot of hard work. I think, for my situation, I still prefer the micro hydro using water, at height, to store energy. The thought is to run it 24/7 and using the $12/day that's ... uummm ... $4380 a year. two more tanks ($5k) and $5k for microhydro/solar/wind/ pump/generate system, and other stuff. Two years is pretty good. A plug-in inverter? Do you mean like this? hhmmm ... I like the idea, very simple. Pic of the shed and tanks. The two containers are on the other side of the shed.
  16. Sort of ... Glort mentioned an interest in power (electricity) generation and storage (excerts below with comments and questions). I share his interest but I'm an ex-(aircraft) electrician and I've forgotten more than I remember .... although I can still explain helicopter advancing blade theory. The shit you remember! I've got some 250 acres with cows, dams and no running water. The sheds roof areas are north facing and about 1200m2 with 100k litres storage in 5 plastic tanks. We are mains connected with the ability to connect a generator (petrol) if the power goes out. Fitting a grid feed in system would be part of the mix. And ... being a greedy farmer, if I could make a quid, okay! So, my idea ... I get two more tanks (40kl) and sit them on the top of the two shipping containers I have sitting next to the tractor shed. Two other tanks already sit on the opposite side of the shed at ground level. Now all I have to do is figure out if I can cycle the water using micro hydro generation with wind and/or solar pumping back to high storage. Another thought is to use a smaller (500l) "header" tank at 10 metres agl. I also have a solar hotwater system not being used and wonder how I might integrate it into a system. or/and a poly hybrid system ... back to Glort. I don't understand. Was the veg genny driving the induction motor?? That doesn't seem right. Or are you describing two different systems? What is C2C? Simple, but, how many amps are you thinking? Just putting some rough numbers to the problem. A 10 amp (240v/50hz) current generates 2.4Kw. At about 20c a Kw thats $0.50/hr ($12/day). That might be close to a winter electricity bill. Generating 240AC and backfeeding must be simpler than rectifying generated DC. The Rainbow Power Company has some good info and it seems Queenslanders are the only ones getting a feed in tarrif of any worth. They've been around for a while and also have hydro stuff here. Build it Solar has a lot of diy stuff. I've also got an old holden jackaroo with a small diesel engine. I wonder how much power I could generate running on vegie oil .... I've got 1000l food grade tanks and often stop for take away. Cheap power with a bit of ingenuity. What do you think?
  17. Don't you mean Chinese? just tryin' to stay on topic ...
  18. hahahahahahaha ... thread remained on topic for ONE post, the OP. That's just wong excellent work ya'll.
  19. hhmmm ... I've been considering energy generation and storage for the farm. Time for a new thread.
  20. Just found this Nissan diagnostic App for Android and this one. hope this helps.
  21. Friday on my mind - the easybeats, again. is that okay? na, not really. I'll try harder next time.
  22. Just new to this myself. Seems like ecutalk are only supplying consult/usb cables atm. Guages are unavailable, which leaves windows based monitor software for display on tablet or laptop. I also found this aussie mob. http://www.plmsdevelopments.com/consult_if.shtml watching with interest
  23. I know the thread is about diesel but ... Ray, you mention experience with petrol fuel injection performance and WolfECU's in your linked article. I'd like to know more please. After doing as much research as I can understand, this is what I think I know. Being a tb45e vapour lpg/injected petrol, timing and fuel delivery are a compromise. I average 25l/100km lpg or petrol. 30 in 4low. 95% highway. OBD is Consult. I thought I could install something like the Punked performance fuel management chip or the Chiptorque XEDE. The Chiptorque allows timing adjustment as well as fuel, and is 4 times the price ($1000). I have seen claims of 20% fuel reduction with dual mapping ecu piggybacks, and at my current usage the Chiptorque would pay for itself in just over a year. Although, after a call to a recommended local dyno shop I was told not to waste my money! Thoughts ... please With your off road navigation thread I wonder if it's possible to do it all from a windows tablet? You also appear to have a Scanguage? Your opinion please.
  24. "can thing"???? first pic?? how about a red circle around the offending item
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