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Everything posted by SammiGQ

  1. Well I hope this is the right section... I wanted to share my recent trip and a little report I suppose I started off going down Maroondah Hwy all the way past the main town of Buxton and then cut through via Glendale Ln and onto Friday creek rd. Then I circled all around Old Sec Rd and some others roads, not following my map for a while until I got to the plantation (and a little lost lol) and got back down to the loop - which is where all the over head lines are in the pics below. I also went through Jacksons Bk, Mohican Bk and a bit of other stuff off Black Range Rd. It was a fun day so hope you like the pics even though I didn't really take many as I was by myself. Some nice views: Ready to head down... I've been trying to find a good spot to max out my flex and I did it by accident here lol yay not bad for a 3 inch front flex
  2. I'm getting the same thing here... Hmm...
  3. Riot - Three Days Grace
  4. I use 4x4earth but pretty much only for the tracks these days.
  5. Wow that looks tough!! Nice job there.
  6. Wow that looks really well done. I was thinking of getting a ram mount either for a tablet or for a small laptop but would rather make something myself so I can mount it wherever I think suitable and plus I know it won't break or be unstable. It's on the list for one day... But I'll stick with the old paper maps for now. Good effort put into this one though Ray I'm sure it will last for a while.
  7. Good to see you over here BigBlue, I'm liking this forum so far and have no doubt it will be overloaded with great info pretty soon! Enjoy...
  8. She's Like Heroin - System of a Down
  9. Post up some pics of your setup if you have them, it sounds pretty cool.
  10. They go on sale all the time at around $25 a pair from memory or maybe less. They work well and I'm glad I got them. Trying to get piles of mud off the vinyl floor was not fun but now I can just take the mats out and pressure wash them - all clean
  11. I got some front and rear mats from Repco and they catch pretty much everything from my shoes. Those eBay ones look ok but I don't think I'd pay that much for them - even if they are moulded.
  12. The Hell Song - Sum 41
  13. Walk - Pantera
  14. I just had a look on my iPhone - lookin' goooood!
  15. Here's some taken at Toolangi/Kinglake
  16. Also, I have reeeeeally bad fuel economy with my tb42!!
  17. x2 I think this forum looks great, I'm liking the banner/logo and everything is easily accessible. Good job!
  18. Hey everyone. I've migrated from the patrol4x4 forum but will be hanging around both places at this stage. Hmmm.. Time to go browsing on here. Oooooo new topics!
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