Well I hope this is the right section... I wanted to share my recent trip and a little report I suppose
I started off going down Maroondah Hwy all the way past the main town of Buxton and then cut through via Glendale Ln and onto Friday creek rd. Then I circled all around Old Sec Rd and some others roads, not following my map for a while until I got to the plantation (and a little lost lol) and got back down to the loop - which is where all the over head lines are in the pics below.
I also went through Jacksons Bk, Mohican Bk and a bit of other stuff off Black Range Rd.
It was a fun day so hope you like the pics even though I didn't really take many as I was by myself.
Some nice views:
Ready to head down...
I've been trying to find a good spot to max out my flex and I did it by accident here lol yay not bad for a 3 inch front flex