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Everything posted by ReefMagnet

  1. Well I actually agree with the sentiment. As a owner of a 4WD that's actually road legal, it ticks me off to no end to see tracks ripped up in the wet by cowboys with their big lifts and big tyres. If you want to go tear it up in the mud and leave waist deep ruts, that's fine. Just don't do it on a public accessible track!
  2. Thank goodness we nuked their sorry asses or we could have ended up assimilated into that culture.
  3. "Would you like fries with that?"
  4. Be still my beating heart - sting
  5. Mate it's even cold up here. I nearly had to put a jumper on this morning
  6. Well, that's my breakfast all over the keyboard
  7. I don't think the rubber on the original windows can be replaced because the whole thing is molded around a steel frame and it's the frame that rots out and wrecks the window. There are people around making one piece glass window replacements with a rubber seal and even a version with a custom aluminium frame. A google search would turn up results on these. People have also made the windows into doors similar to ute boxes. Shouldn't be too hard to do if you can find the right rubber seal profile to seal the door against. I'm not convinced that as a door they are of any great use, but I have seen pictures on ** ahem ** another patrol site where some guy had shelves, possibly even a mini-bar mounted, behind the windows come doors. On the subject of perspex, I'd avoid it if possible as it is easily scratched and damaged compared to good old fashioned safety glass.
  8. Yeppa soon the old girl will be lookin' like a Vegas Pimpmobile lol
  9. Just received 2 x 5m strips of "warm white" LED lights courtesy of some Chinaman on EBay. What can I say they are fantastic. I brought this batch to install in the boat, but now I'm casting my eye towards other things including the Patrol so I'm sure I'll be finding a zillion uses for them.
  10. Hmm, my post count doesn't go up????
  11. Pad
  12. I haven't popped my circuit breaker in the garage yet with my 170A inverter fitted with my patented 15A to 10A adaptor lead and I've used it heaps, but not above about 140A
  13. cockatoo = ****atoo how un-aussie is that???
  14. They only introduced the whole verification for a new computer thing a little while ago. Maybe this was the reason they did it
  15. How dumb would you have to be to fall for that? I'm not sold on that story. My gmail account won't let me log in from a computer I haven't used before unless I verify at the same time with an SMS code so I would guess this means with this set up the bad guys would need two separate codes - one to retrieve the password and then one to log on to the account.
  16. Been about two and a half years since I quit. Every now and then I still feel like a fag, but no problem resisting the urge. My approach was 1) Drum it into your brain that that first cigarette you smoke after quitting will be the deal breaker and 2) Every week, go spend your smoke money on something. Doesn't matter what it is just go spend it (I've got a shed full of $70 tools lol). That way you either feel guilty or are too poor to buy smokes. good luck with it.
  17. Thanks tank. I looked at the thread of the old sender last night and it's thread looked stripped, but only towards the outside of the thread if that makes sense. The head alloy must be pretty darn hard aluminium!
  18. Good work guys. Raced out at lunchtime to fix it. Supercrap had one on the shelf. Only thing the is that the old one was really, really tight to come out and the new one was really, really tight to screw in. Is this normal?
  19. Howdy ho boys and girls The temp sender (the one that connects to the instrument gauge) is fritzed on my TB42E. Other then Nissan Spares does anyone know if Repco stock these?
  20. Just joined to ask some questions that i searched everywhere for but can't find any answers to. I promise I really did Why does my patrol wobble at 80 k's? Are the three litre diesels any good? Which engine is best petrol or diesel? ta!
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