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Waza last won the day on February 24 2014

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  1. Put new shoes on the troll, hankook 285-75-16. Really smooths out the bumps for a more comfy ride ! $260 each fitted & balanced. Cheers
  2. Well I'm pleased to report that the heavy footed wife got down & back to merimbula with horse & float. The nads mods worked a treat & mt ousley was a easy 3rd gear climb at 60 km/h. . If my misses can't destroy the troll nobody can ! Gotta luv when a plan comes together Cheers Waza
  3. + 1 on the 3" exhaust When I took the troll for a drive after it was fitted the extra grunt was noticeable - much less down shifting ;-) It is the best thing you can do for your motor IMO
  4. + 1 for the Tough Dogs , I got a full 2" lift kit dampener etc, winch compatible front & constant 200kg rear spring set up like Rumcjas. It's a little stiff unloaded but you need to set it up for the load and tracks you intend to use unless you get an adjustable set up. I'm happy with mine, it felt sooooo much better to drive after replacing the original set up. Everyone's MMV but at lest we all drive trolls ;-) Cheers
  5. I had a limp mode issue once with electrical sensor in the accelerator assembly - replaced the assembly & once with a dirty MAF - bought a can of MAF cleaner, sprayed it and bingo no more problems. There is enought cleaner in the can to outlast the troll & it's less than $20 for a can.
  6. I have a 3.0 Di manual troll. Had a 3" exhaust fitted two days before a hunting trip to Wannarring NSW . I fueled up in Dural Sydney & went to within 50km from Bourke before dumping the reserve tank. That's about 720 km's with roof rack , awning , arb bullbar , safari snorkel & 265 70 16 bfg ATs with 40psi. That's about 12lt per 100km. I just put nads in & will check the consumption & post the results when the Handbrake gets back from a horse event with our daughter next week.
  7. Cheers for the help. I can now relax when the heavy footed misses takes the troll & the horse float away now ;-)
  8. Good morning Just wound out the Dawes valve and it limits boost to 18-19 psi now Opened the needle valve and it is now running 10 psi at 2000 rpm under a light load & 15 psi at 3000 rpm. Under heavy load in 3 4 or 5th gear the boost gauge is bouncing from max set on the Dawes and drops to back 14-16 psi. I can settle this by backing off the go pedal a little. Do I have too high a spool up rate, does the Dawes valve néed a heavier spring, or is this operating correctly ? Cheers Waz
  9. Thank you Rumcajs I will give it a go tomorrow by winding it right out & then in a turn at a time & observing the boost gauge until less than 18psi is max at 4000rpm. Then open the needle valve to get 10psi at 2000rpm on road. Cheers Waza
  10. G'day all I have a 2003 GU 3.0 and fitted nads (tks dronus4x4) My Dawes valve cannot stop the boost vacuum getting above 23lbs. I have stretched the spring and wound it right down but still no change ! Do I need to adjust the Vnt & if so how ? Would a heavier spring be better in the Dawes & if so does anyone know where I can get one ? It is spooling nicely but I want to limit the max boost. Cheers Waza
  11. Great tip on the loctite, my troll has the whistle too & there is some oil around parts of the cooler. I'm fitting a Dawes needle valve & EGR blank next week so I will remove the cooler & give the motor, cooler pipes a good clean & see where the oil is comming from. I feel I have the cracks as my troll is 10yrs old & 260,000 km's. Cheers Waza
  12. Looks like the beginning of a great forum ! Cheers Waza
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