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Everything posted by mikegq

  1. Yeah bowline is a great knot. Thanks for the snatch strap tip mate
  2. Na mate I have seen u can get extra canvas extensions somewhere
  3. Hey guys I've just ordered an ironman one Should have it by the weekend So I'll post pics of the install Also does anyone know where to get an extension piece? Cheers
  4. This guy is a douche
  5. [/qu
  6. Me to it rocks and no dicks in here yet
  7. Loveday is 40 or 60 a night isn't it?
  8. Let's hope hey all migrate here, it's a thousand times nicer here
  9. I can understand why the members are annoyed, but instead of staying there and winging why not move here and start fresh?
  10. This forum is wicked on I phone
  11. Give repco a call and they will be able to tell u for sure
  12. Yeah I have seen that store mate but no stock currently U guys are not making it easy, 3 replays and 3 different awnings so far Lol
  13. Nice setup twisty, how do u find the roof top tent as far as added weight up high and also leaving it on around town? I.e car parks etc
  14. Thanks for moving this hairy, I enjoyed re reading it I am thinking about doing a top mount to take some stess off my radiator from the front mount
  15. Hey guys In the market for an awning, not a fox wing just a standard one to go on the side of my gq Any info, brand advise etc what's good what's not info posted here would be great And sizing too, what do u find works and is bi enough to keep a swag dry in rain?
  16. Agreed glort, I use an I pad so haven't had a log in issue but this forum is the go
  17. Good work mate that's th 4013
  18. Exactly right big rig. And only 30 bucks retail
  19. S0239 refers to the UHF style connector on the spring base. So as I said the 4013 screws on dispite the fact the spring is as004
  20. Generally not bad gme and uniden are entry level products icom is sort of a mid teer product
  21. Gme 4013 screws onto the 4705 spring base and is 30cm long 1/4 wave 2db antenna good for around town
  22. Nice ly set up ray
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