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Everything posted by Chris

  1. I like to keep an eye on the news, and must say I have heard of many more aggresive car jackings including with the kids in the back seat by low life druggies pinching family cars. There was that porsche that was taken from a servo with the wife still sitting in the passenger seat a while back though. There is the problem that the harder we make cars to steal the more this is likely to happen I guess. God help society when falcodore becomes hard to steel, we will be like South Africa lol. I dont know why this car would have been targeted, I imagine it would be much harder to off load to make your $$$ than a more common luxury car. And not to mention the associated risk after drawing so much attention to your crime. No doubt if it was targeted by professionals, it wont be seen in this country again.
  2. Just upload directly from your machine, dont even need to shrink it first. Think mine uploaded as a 800 x 600 Cheers
  3. Go to 'notifications' along the top of the page then 'options', click on 'profile settings' then 'change my photo' button. Cheers
  4. OK So if the same thing happened to someone driving a 30k MX5? Simpathy?
  5. 4 wheels? Bit of a shame, but interested to see what he does next
  6. I wouldnt leave anything in your car these days, some feral will bust your window and take it anyway lol.
  7. I think its called Jelousy Ray I certainly have simpathy for anyone that has a knife held to their throat. Know one should have to go through that.
  8. What am I doing wrong?, I've never even had a warning and dont mind the odd argument and have personally attacked the odd person lol.
  9. XD9000 is a very popular choice for full size 4wds, good choice. I ran a XDC9500 myself, was a great winch.
  10. 9000 pound will be fine mate, anything over 8000 and keep a snatch block in the back just in case or to make it easier on the winch. Your better off looking at the loaded speed spec's than the rating. Cheers, Chris
  11. Keep em coming fellers
  12. To late, already done it Ive also got crackers, booze and called some hookers
  13. Party...............whoooo
  14. Last straw for me, been on there for almost 4 yrs. Sick of BS, lets get this place going. I also joined nissanpatrol a couple of days ago
  15. Nice hey hey, Got a love a high country pic, something I never realy got of the GQ except for a couple up skene.
  16. Yeah mate, you'll have to host them on photobuck or similar site then copy and post the url into your post. Love the one stuck in the mudhole. Cheers
  17. Not as simple as that lol, I dont option the sun visor he he. PS wheres your photos
  18. Hey mate, First one was out in East gippsland around the Neerim area, 2nd on is up around Wesburn in the Yarra valley. Need to see some photos guys, having serious withdrawals lol
  19. Hey, Post up picks of your Patrol. We all know they are they are the toughest in the land And everyone loves photos lol
  20. Looks like its got plenty of flex mate. You used to have the red GQ? If so well done on the upgrade Got plenty of mods already as your base. Cheers
  21. Hi All, Well done on the new forum, and best of luck. As you can tell from my highly original user name my name is Chris. Known on other forums as chrismav but unfortunately I no longer have a maverick. I am always on the lookout for the right car which could be anything from a late GQ (I realy miss the old mav) or a petrol GU. I have a soft spot for the 4.8 of course Anyways see you all around and hope to see you Vic members out on the tracks again once I get another 4wd. Cheers, Chris
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