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  1. Highest point in the high country you can get to in the middle of winter Just after black Saturday
  2. Hey Tonka, good luck with the job hunting mate, I was having a dig at the genuine bluggers and our retarded government not people that actually need the help if they choose to use it. The simple fact should be if you dont want to take the governments offer to have the immunisations for your child for their benifit, stiff shit. No $$$ to make up the difference.
  3. Agreed, That is just sad. I am a 'conscientious objector' to dole bluggers and are of the belief that all should work hard, therefore it is unfair that I can not get handouts from the government.
  4. Dont worry they they will warm up to life. I actually worked at KFC as well, was great as a young feller to meet the womens By 18 I was pissing up almost every cent or blowing it on cars and motorbikes. Finally meet my wife to be at 23, got sick of the party lifestyle and then bought my first house at 25. Im now 32 with a wife and child, my early days didnt set me back to much but god they were fun lol.
  5. Was a pretty good one, actually got me up and thinking wtf. Like 100 possums running across the roof lol
  6. In my experience you cant avoid the scratching, but a regular polish makes the overall car look much better and fills the scratches so they dont stand out as much. Cutters or scratch removal works ok on light scratching but in most cases didnt get out the deep bush pin stripes. I agree that a good coat of wax may help to protect from light scratching.
  7. Why not just buy a single steel 17 as an extra spare for your remote travel? Just be sure that you also get the wheel nuts to suit it. Would be a cheaper option than another full set of steel or another spare alloy. Keep it as the 2nd spare and then the tyre can always be rotated onto an alloy further down the track if you want to use it full time.
  8. I dont think it would be a problem, just the system wouldnt work. The system that I have most experience with was chryslers, if we put rims without the senser the system just displayed a dash rather than a pressure reading.
  9. I should have worded that better, the monitoring device is part of the valve assembly but is on the inside of the rim. No way to steal it from the outside. People ignore all sorts of warnings - service, low coolant, temp. I once had a person drive 5ks on a flat tyre to my dealership so we could fit the spare lol. Needless to say the tyre and rim were scrap by the time they got to us.
  10. Am I the only person in the world to have never purchased anyting from Ebay lol. I would use the car part rule, if its 2nd hand has to be at least 50% new price or I walk. I laugh at the 2nd hand tyre prices some people ask on forums and such, they do seem to sell though lol.
  11. You wont generally have this sort of thing in vic because many of the best tracks are a closely guarded secret or are actually un-named. Other than the commonly known tracks like ellis or rocky tk, publishing track names is generally frowned upon by victorian 4wders.
  12. Interesting idea, but it still wont stop idiots driving around with the tyre warning on the dash. Just like the aftermarket, the sensors are usually part of the valve assembly so should be no problem if changing wheels.
  13. My 93yo grandfather unfortunately still holds his licence. My dad has only managed to convince him to only drive in emergencies in the local area. But there is no way we can get him to sell the car.
  14. Maybe they just got sick of little glort in the back seat yelling 'are we there yet' 'are we there yet' so had to pull over for a calming tea lol.
  15. That check in thing makes me laugh, I told my wife she can put as much info/picks as she wants about where were going and what were doing ONCE WE GET HOME. Also warned her not to go telling the world when I was away for work, cant be to careful these days. Even if she does only have people she knows personally as friends. Even with security settings if a friend comments or likes, their friends (unknown to you) can see it. I used to organize a lot of forum trips which were organized long in advance so any members would know I was out for the day. For this reason I made sure I never met random members at my house before trips and the few times I sold bits and pieces I would try and do it from work. Anyone that has ever seen any of my pics will know that I go to great lenghs and block out rego's on all cars including other forum members, whether they care or not.
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