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mk tank

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    4wd, Fishing, Shooting & radio Communications

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  1. If you have you tranny rebuilt, ensure you have the radiator serviced. Guy at work had two trannys fail before they reliased that the radiator had a intermittant blockages that resulted in the tranny cooking. He was lucky as he had taken the truck in to a tranny repair in bendigo and told them to fix it - they didnt check on the radator oor arranged for him to have it serviced- they reparied the trannys under warranty.
  2. I used national windscreen (in Melbourne but they may have an outlet in your area) to replace the windscreen & rubber in my MK (the GQ windscreen & rubber is the same) Was around $320 supplied (windscreen & rubber) & fitted
  3. KMsMK pls let me know if the p/n was correct
  4. As the unit only has a peak current rating of 30Amps, I would only put it in line with your fridge. You can use the VOLT meter sense on the battery. Current measurements are done by putting a shunt resistyor in line and measurering the currant
  5. I got mine - (gq) will be installing on my MK
  6. I have suspected it was the dissy - have been tryng to get my hands on one.
  7. Have a look at the tridon web site http://www.tridon.com.au/partfinder/default.aspx You can confirm the correct p/n -
  8. I use a simalar antenna from RFI that has 3 db gain and is a GPI.
  9. Antenna placement Try and mount the antenna as high as possible on the vehilce. If you mount the antenna on a bull bar, you will have some loss / reduction behind the vehilce. ( I have my antenna mounted on the fron of the vehicle) Dont have any other antennas within 500 mm of your antenna. Dont mount the antenna next to metal, ie at the base of the bull bar
  10. Unless your in the trade like me. I personally run a 3db gain rfi GPI - it has a flexible whip, but most of my driving is in the hills. I used to use these all the time on courier vehicles.
  11. Hooking a 5 watt hand held to an external antenna would be the equivlant to a vehicle mounted radio - dependant on the rf adaptor having no loss. Most of the little hand helds output at the most 2 watts some even less.
  12. Sorrry I posted this late last night. Yes take 2.15 OFF a dbi antenna. Extending cables using connectors. You can extend the antenna cable by using the correct 50 ohm connectors that have been properly terminated. But, you have insertion loss" . Insertion loss is the loss of power across the connector typicaly 1 db. Therefore it is always better to replace the antenna cable if possible and adviod using connectors. Always use good quality connectors - i dont like the cheap screw together connectors that dick smith sell. I use crimp connectors with the correct crimping tool ( we but most off our connectors from Turnbulls)
  13. What type of antenna do you have. Is it a fibre glass type whip Is it a metal rod, as the metal ones are usually a bit shorter. Rays correct in his comment regarding the tune to length. Effectivly a antenna is a pice of wire that is cut to the required frequency - i have made antennas out of fencing wire in the past.
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