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  1. i'd love a shorty GU, but getting them over the pits here is meant to be next to impossible. besides, i'm not sure i'd go to the bother for a grenade-era 3.0.
  2. good timing. I just discovered today that my track/drag/tie (delete as per preference) rod (the back one) is bent. looks like some fool's dropped the car onto a rock at some stage. shame I'm the only one who drives it!
  3. I bought it from Perth4x4"]http://www.perth4x4.com.au/ a few weeks ago. I can't remember exactly how much, it it was around the $500 mark. They are meant to be a lot stronger than the lokka auto-lockers, and a mate who helped me fit it (or did fit it ) has got a lokka one and he confirms that the springs/pins are much more robust in the spartan
  4. this Spartan Auto Locker and some manual hubs too for good measure
  5. W....T....F...?
  6. given this problem, would you recommend just hanging the intercooler fan by the bottom flanges only rather than drilling through both?
  7. Ray I've got the same fan winging it's way in from the US at present (well the length of time it's taking it might be on a sail boat) - how hot does it get under there? would i get away with using plastic as the shroud?
  8. nor me, but then there are the people who like the beads.....
  9. next up for mine is the 40K service - it seems like it's a more expensive beast than those which have gone before how much have people (recently) been paying for this service?
  10. not convinced they'd make very comfy bikinis... sunshades is a good idea though, i was thinking about a mega one to put in my car for the all the other windows when parked in summer
  11. howdy clunk. you coming on wednesday night?
  12. iPad?
  13. much more impressive than the icy-pole xmas tree....
  14. i'm not grumpy - but it shits me no end when i look down the "recent posts" list and you can see where some dickhead has just pasted exactly the same "welcome" into about 15 threads. it's so false.
  15. hmmmm.... an esky bag, now you've got me thinking......
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