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Everything posted by gottheshits

  1. Wish I had of known you when I bought mine. Couldnt find a decent 4.2 anywhere...
  2. Those high country pics are nice( more please). Will have to get there one day. Have never even seen snow.
  3. rflmfao thats classic
  4. Mate thats a ripper and a half of a yarn. God you had me nearly pissin myself a couple of times they way youve written it. Top effort. Glad it all worked out in the end.
  5. cant blame you for that..
  6. Please do. Start up a new thread on it.
  7. Walk this way - Aerosmith
  8. Does that mean we can be naughty.......
  9. Welcome aboard. Lol ive been enjoying the conversation between you 2 the last couple of days. Mate even if the other gets up and going it can't hurt to have knowledge in a few places. You see to know your trolls so please help out getting this place going.
  10. Welcome mate. Please share any and all info that you have. We have alot of catching up to do on here.
  11. Baby did a bad bad thing - Chris Isaak I'm sure Ikbok will be along shortly to join in
  12. You didn't fart in there did you?
  13. I wondered how long it would take you.. Rising Sun - Cold Chisel
  14. Mate I liked it at the show and shine meet. For all that is under there it is one of the cleanest and tidiest engine bays on a fourby that I have seen.
  15. Great truck mate. Geez that 4 poster was a bar and a half.. lol
  16. Welcome Mate and enjoy the experience.
  17. Welcome mate, can you still use your old avatar. I liked that one.
  18. In the thread bar ( start date etc) click on custom Edit thats only for threads not posts.
  19. 2004 GUIV, DI manual, 210000 k, U Dawes --------------No Needle V------------No EGR done----------Yes Snorkel (Safari)---Yes EGT Boost---------Autometer Analogue EGT Sensor-------60mm from dump pipe flange Cruise temp-------@100k, 7-11psi, 280-470C Cruise temp-------@110k, 8-12psi, 350-520C Tow Temp---------@100k, 10-12psi, 380-600C 1700kg City temp-----------200-400C, 5-10psi Tyre size------------will double check Chip------------------nul Exhaust-------------Beaudesert 2 ¾"HF Cat Intercooler----------Standard rewelded Lift Pump------------No Fuel Eco L/100----Best 12----------worst 17.5 average 14
  20. Hi Magnet welcome. 1 your drunk 2 while they are running yes 3 diesel for troll and petrol for cars.
  21. Has anyone got the pics to do the annoying beep when the drivers door is open and accessories is on. I had them but cant find them on my putr. The plug to unplug in the steering column. Its a good quick fix that seems to be asked about a lot.
  22. Thanks for posting this Ray. I'm looking at doing this in the next couple of weeks. Looks nice and easy.
  23. Sorry mate I forgot to get back to you. Im at Runcorn (brissy south) see a lot of motley rigs getting around my area. I have looked into joining up a couple of times. They seem to have a pretty good club with a good family friendly base which would suit me. Might look into it some more. I might get in and pull the door skin off on the weekend and see what is what. Really appreciate the feed back and offer of some help. I might have ago first and if I get stuck ill give you a holla. Maybe a couple more pics of how you fixed it on. Thanks again and make sure you do a write up for your mods in diy, the more info we get on here the better it will be. Cheers Mark.
  24. G'day Gee, fantastic write up mate. Is it that simple to set up, plug and play ( 1 plug) . Is it only gps - speed that needs calibrating. Can you give me an idea as to what they are worth. Does this allow you to read and cancel fault codes? or is that something else again ( besides doing it with a paper clip) Cheers Mark
  25. I had a couple of kids bikes on top.Pretty sure it was you I dropped in on on the convoy down. First to join convoy after you. Was parked next to the air bag man. Different username on here. New name suits me better lol
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