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Everything posted by Pinto

  1. 3" made a big difference on my patrol with more grunt , quicker spool up of the turbo and a nice turbo whistle when backing off. Have done over 20,000 km since fitting and have had no problems even when towing a loaded 20 ft caravan in the middle of summer
  2. Fitted oil catch can , cleaned MAF sensor and replaced air filter..
  3. I found this on another forum which I think is quite interesting. It seems some of the 2007 and onwards CRD ZD30s suffered massive engine failure due to the oil pump bolts falling out ........... So big $$$ in fixing or replacing engine. When my grenade explodes the first thing in the bin will be the ZD30 engine and a TD42 will be put in or even better a 6.5 turbo diesel.. It goes to show that you can take all the precautions and yet old Murphy can still rear his ugly head.. No amount of NADS will fix this problem of oil pump bolts falling out.. ZD30s have really earned their reputation as the ' HAND GRENADE ' PS early Ducati motorcycles were known as 'hand grenades' too for the same reason..
  4. I have been reading this with great interest.. I have a blocked EGR , intercooler fan and a 3 inch exhaust but have never had any problems towing a 2 1/2 ton caravan with 4000rpm showing on the tacho on some long hills yet I read about others having NADS and still the hand grenade explodes !!! I have never had limp mode come on. A friend has a 2000 Patrol ZD30 stock engine with NO nads and tows a 2 1/2 ton caravan regularly with over 300,000 kays on the clock and has Never had problems.. Can these engines be self destructing because of " Too much right foot " from people driving them like a petrol engine not a diesel. I have seen many revving the crap out of the ZD30 out in the bush and not using the gearbox properly.. So far I have replaced the MAF at 150,000 and the glow plugs at 170,000 due to hard starting in mid winter. ZD30 has oil change every 5000km and dont use a drop between changes.. Maybe I just got a good one or maybe it will go KABOOM soon..............
  5. Lol that bloody switch had me scratching my head too trying to work out why the idle was suddenly so quick.... STUPID switch..
  6. Fixed non working RH bumper brake light . Socket all rusty..
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