I have been reading this with great interest.. I have a blocked EGR , intercooler fan and a 3 inch exhaust but have never had any problems towing a 2 1/2 ton caravan with 4000rpm showing on the tacho on some long hills yet I read about others having NADS and still the hand grenade explodes !!!
I have never had limp mode come on.
A friend has a 2000 Patrol ZD30 stock engine with NO nads and tows a 2 1/2 ton caravan regularly with over 300,000 kays on the clock and has Never had problems..
Can these engines be self destructing because of " Too much right foot " from people driving them like a petrol engine not a diesel.
I have seen many revving the crap out of the ZD30 out in the bush and not using the gearbox properly..
So far I have replaced the MAF at 150,000 and the glow plugs at 170,000 due to hard starting in mid winter.
ZD30 has oil change every 5000km and dont use a drop between changes..
Maybe I just got a good one or maybe it will go KABOOM soon..............