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Everything posted by HotCol

  1. Mate Id stick with the GQ if you can. I didnt and I kick my arse everyday for selling mine,The Grenade isnt a bad unit but it takes a while to get them right, You can spend a lot of time tinkering with the grenade and still have it shit itself ,If i had m GQ back id look at a conversion to a cummins diesel or an LS1 convert they reckon theyre the ducks.Dont know if the convert is doable in the GQ or not but by all reports the LS1 goes in the GU very well.
  2. Hey Skid yeah mate bet you wish you were in Tassie . My mechanic charged me 3 hours, he had it all day I picked it up at 630 pm from him,He did more than I asked him as well.I reckon the thing to do is just buy the Dawes valves, egr plate I think theyre about 7 or 8 bucks ,then the boost gauge, get a good digital one and pyrometer for the EGT. I fucked up with this bought a cheap one it goes really well but its got about 8 different colours and theyre bloody bright you can turn it off but you gotta go through all the different colours to get there .You can have a go at making a catch can yourself there's some pretty damn good pics on here for making it and you'll be set. Oh and thanks BIG GQWesty for the info stilll looking, kick myself everyday for selling my GQ was unstoppable beast.
  3. Thanks RUmcajs, seems you are the only person that replies ,I will get my mechanic to check when it goes in for tyres next week, Young fella switched on, Spends nearly all his waking hours fiddling with cars, Did my nads stuff for me , Put in a 2 stage system for boost on the turbo fantastic, job works well . first boost is a round 14 and the big boost for towing. is about 18 works really well, Now down to around 11 Lper 100k pretty damn good for a big vehicle. I used to do all this crap myself ,too old now to be jumpin all over these cars and I,d rather give some young guys a bit of work .
  4. Hey fellas Will 285 75 x16 fit under a 04 gu wagon ok or do you have to cut some of the guard and mudflap out of the way on the front ? I had to with my GQ when i put them under it.. I am buying dick Cepeks fc2 s should be good according to reports.The other thing i'm wondering is I keep getting water in the pass side on the floor under the carpet cant see where its coming from? Have sprayed the wheels and added glitter in the clear,looks schmick I reckon
  5. Had the Nads done its now awesome 13.5/100 down to 10/100 ,and super smooth now, 2 stage boost control, young mechanic very switched on. Egr plate dawes valves pyro gauge and boost gauge . catch can next.
  6. Has anybody put a sports steering wheel on a GU3, and removed airbag ,all is easy till you come to the clock spring, Not sure on how to either remove or ,leave to get horn to work?
  7. Has anybody removed a steering wheel and airbag and fitted a sports steering wheel to a GU3, I can get it all apart but the clock springs got me fooled a little do I pull it out completely or do I just leave it in place .
  8. Just bought a GU3 2004 Zd30 hand grenade, where do I start with the NADS? Has had nothing done, Had a wicked gq 3.0 litre petrol awesome beast shouldnt have sold it, the ball and chain was whingeing about getting in after the 2 inch lift kit was fitted "she is not tall".bought a Ford Ranger dual cab 4x4, what a shitbox ,fuel guts, bouncy bastard thing . Glad to get back in a proper limo like the patrol.
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